I kinda wish there was a way to get tap water fortified with whatever magnesium it is thats in spring water or failing that magnesium glycinate.
My understanding is magnesium deficiency is a common thing and that lack of it causes several musculo-skeletal and nervous system problems and in general a less relaxed state of being when deficient
San pellegrino would be interesting to look at since it has a good deal of magnesium in its spring water, those lucky bastards got that good stuff on tap😋
Tried taking magnesium and discovered magnesium supplements give me migraines so hard no from me. I do grow vegetables in good soil without chemical fertilizer, so hopefully get those micronutrients. And we do have hard water where I live, plenty of minerals in it.
What kind of magnesium was it? Do you know it it was citrate or oxide?
Magnesium L-Threonate was the migraine trigger. Supposed to help prevent them, but did the exact opposite. I do actually use a very small amount of “calcium and magnesium citrate with vitamin D3” as part of a bladder health mix I made with mostly D-Mannose. No problem with that one.
But I’m still not convinced on adding it to water, they’d buy some crappy industrial byproduct most likely if adding it
Magnesium can cause diarrhea so, as someone with IBS, no fucking thanks.
Depends on the type of magnesium
At what dose?
I’m not sure, and I know it depends both on the severity of a person’s IBS and the type of magnesium supplement. But I drink a ton of water so I’d hate to have it supplemented with magnesium!
Seriously depends on your local water source. Our tap water has more than enough mg, ca, and other mineral ingredients to start making it a pain in the ass (hard water). But it is (of course) drinkable, and tastes quite good.
You can get magnesium tablets. Adding it to tap water could work but we use water for so many other things besides drinking. There i for example no need for it to be in the water that washing machines use, no need to clean the dishes or your floors in magnesium enriched water either…
What’s your opinion on fluoridated water?
I don’t have one I am sorry. We don’t even have chlorine in ours here any more
Now I gotta descale my water heater because people don’t eat healthy?
I gotta do that anyway, hard water’s a bitch.
I would rather find ways to encourage people to eat foods that are natural sources of magnesium. They provide lots of other dietary benefits beyond just magnesium.
Soy products (milk, flour, tofu)
Legumes and seeds
Nuts (almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts)
Peanuts and peanut butter
Whole grain breads and cereals (brown rice, millet)
Fruit (bananas, dried apricots, etc.)
Vegetables, particularly dark green, leafy vegetables (artichokes, chard, beet greens, avocados, etc.)
Dried beans (lima, black-eyed peas, navy)
Beans are the only protein I can afford so I guess I’m good
Hemp seeds are the richest in Mg that I’m aware of atm
There’s something so luxurious about drinking it straight from the Earth’s blood (water, not oil haha)
I think that would make most Americans think it’s for “gubmint mind control”
how about they leave the fluoride in it for starters?
Its a trade, yar! 🏴☠️
Is that why I feel so fucking good drinking those San Pels…?
Terrible idea, the current problems with Fluoride are not enough to convince you ? Just buy a multivitamin/vitamin and take it if you are deficient.
Things to keep in mind - safe dosage varies by gender, race, genetic predispositions, diet, weight, etc. This same water gets used to make coffee, tea, orange juice, soda/pop, etc. so now whatever you drink has magnesium.
Let’s add some D3 in the water for the winter months, oh but now people are getting calcified arteries, so we need some Vitamin K2 mk7 as well. And on it goes until we are overmedicated zombies.
what are the problems with fluoride? I thought that’s a myth?
It is a communist plot to pollute our precious bodily fluids!
From my understanding, there are apparently newer studies that seem to indicate that it isn’t good for kids, but it’s not extremely bad either, just not good. However, more research is needed and people want to stop fluoridating water just to be safe (realistically you’re probably getting more than enough for your teeth from toothpaste)
when you get that fluoride stare
I listed them, but got downvoted, people want to blindly claim things…they don’t even realize only a handful countries do this, they don’t know what type of fluoride it is and that they all pay for it, they have not read how it already fucks up black people and latinos.
No one is saying don’t use a fluoride toothpaste where you topically apply to your teeth and not orally ingest most of it, glad I grew up somewhere they didn’t do that lol.
I can’t find the post you’re referring to. Can you link it?
Search neurology and flouride toxicity, there are newer studies.
And on it goes until we are overmedicated zombies.
Isn’t that already happening ? I mean look arround you, people get stuffed with things to keep you functional enough and moving without a though. Just like Zombies…
Pharmaceuticals are not here to heal you, but to keep you alive long enough to pay your bills and make them richer !
Hope one day we all have balls to become more like Luigi.
Have we stopped fluoridating the water supply ? No. So yeah it’s already happening.
Your kids are too loud and can’t concentrate in school - we got a pill for that. Your teens are depressed from taking that same pill for most of their life - we got another pill for that. You can’t concentrate well in college or when working - wow you already know third pill it is.
It’s insanity and I blame capitalism, but you also have to be able to read between the lines. At some point the parents and their knowledge and experience, their desire for their offspring to be better should come into play. So you can say yes to vaccines, no to pills - but can you say yes/no when it comes to your water being pre-medicated for you ? Nope. So it’s the worst a hidden killer, right there fucking you up from the womb to the hole.