I kinda wish there was a way to get tap water fortified with whatever magnesium it is thats in spring water or failing that magnesium glycinate.

My understanding is magnesium deficiency is a common thing and that lack of it causes several musculo-skeletal and nervous system problems and in general a less relaxed state of being when deficient

San pellegrino would be interesting to look at since it has a good deal of magnesium in its spring water, those lucky bastards got that good stuff on tap😋

  • isableandaking@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    Have we stopped fluoridating the water supply ? No. So yeah it’s already happening.

    Your kids are too loud and can’t concentrate in school - we got a pill for that. Your teens are depressed from taking that same pill for most of their life - we got another pill for that. You can’t concentrate well in college or when working - wow you already know third pill it is.

    It’s insanity and I blame capitalism, but you also have to be able to read between the lines. At some point the parents and their knowledge and experience, their desire for their offspring to be better should come into play. So you can say yes to vaccines, no to pills - but can you say yes/no when it comes to your water being pre-medicated for you ? Nope. So it’s the worst a hidden killer, right there fucking you up from the womb to the hole.