It reads like it was written by a Japanese speaker who did their best to translate.
It reads like it was written by a Japanese speaker who did their best to translate.
Loads of fossil power use gas turbines that do not involve steam :x
Right, I should make myself clearer. I’m no expert in economics, I just try to build a reasoning based on what I know.
The context of his statement is that Russia is outproducing the West in ammunition, specifically artillery shells. Earlier he states Russia is producing 4 millions shell a year compared to .5 for the US. So without qualification, the statement implies Russians are somehow 80x superior as they produce 8 times more with an economy a tenth the size.
I feel he should have qualified his statement to improve reader understanding:
Because he didn’t provide this context to the number he is giving, I thought that either he wanted to misled or he was not sufficiently informed, and assumed the more charitable option.
I’m not American, it just happens that where I live everyone is quoting from Gramsci’s cultural hegemony at the moment. ^^
My point is you don’t need to leak to matter, or do anything illegal. The simple fact that powerful institutions are staffed with people who share your ideology is helpful to you. (I do have a lot of respect for leakers though)
If all people who share your opinions think like you then that institution will be left to your opponents.
Joining would be praxis. You don’t have to be a double agent or anything, just be a sympathetic voice in meetings and such. Simply making the institution politically diverse and preventing it from being an echo chamber of like-minded people is already making a change in the world.
As an example, in 1923 Hitler attempted a coup, but got off with an amazingly light eight months of prison. The reason is the judiciary at the time were quite sympathetic to him; they didn’t do anything illegal, yet had they been SPD supporters instead Hitler might have gotten a life sentence for his high treason.
Si c’est pour dire que je suis sophiste et idiot je ne vois pas d’intérêt à te répondre.
And the EU has been fumbling the bag on advanced aeronautics practically since its inception.
This is disinformation.
Arianespace pioneered commercial satellite launches and in the 90s peaked at 60% of the market through domestic technology, with the French having developed ICBMs and SLBMs for national security. Meanwhile Airbus drove Northrop and McDonnell-Douglas out of the airliner market and is now out-competing Boeing. And regarding missiles MBDA is competitive as well, with some products like the Meteor leading the way in implementing ramjets.
Jet engines are dominated by the UK and US true, but Safran is still competitive enough to matter (through CFM for commercial or by themselves for military purposes), and although not in the EU Rolls-Royce is much friendlier to cooperation with the EU than American firms.
The EU is currently behind on drones, stealth, and reusable rockets. But that is not indicative of decades-long inability.
D’accord merci, c’est interessant “le totalitarisme nationaliste et raciste” comme définition.
Je ne sais pas si je peux être d’accord car je trouve que “totalitarisme” est une notion fourre-tout, très comparable à “fascisme” dans le sens où dans le langage courant j’ai l’impression elle désigne juste “l’inverse de la démocratie”.
Si le totalitarisme est l’immiscion du politique dans la sphère privée alors l’interdiction de la sodomie dans la Florence du 15ème et plus largement toutes les religions sont totalitaires. Ou bien, à l’inverse, le fait que le SPD en Allemagne ou la CNT en Espagne aient pu rejaillir après la fin des dictatures qui les avaient interdites montre que le régime n’était pas si intime que ça puisque les gens n’en avaient pas moins des opinions interdites. Je trouve que ce n’est pas une distinction utile.
De la même façon, je trouve que désigner toutes les droites dures comme fascistes fait perdre de l’intérêt à ce mot car justement il ne désigne plus de distinction utile. Pourtant il y a des distinctions nettes, par exemple Franco était soutenu à la fois par les catholiques réactionnaires et les Falanges fascistes, et il a largement choisi les premiers après l’attentat de Begoña et plus globalement la défaite de l’Allemagne. Ou de nos jours Trump qui est courtisé par des chrétiens radicaux, des néo-nazis comme Bannon et des techno-libertariens comme Musk.
Je trouve que la définition de Roger Griffin (“ultranationalisme palingénétique”), qui est basée sur les textes et discours des fascistes eux-mêmes, est plus utile pour distinguer les “vrais fascistes” des “simples réactionnaires”.
My (probably incomplete) understanding is: phones have a GNSS chip (such as GPS, Galileo, or Glonass), but getting location from that takes a long time and a lot of battery. So they estimate location based on other information such as what cell tower they are connected to and the list of available wi-fi networks. This requires a database with all that info, which Google built through its Street View cars.
So the location provider is a service to which your phone sends all the info it has and which replies with an estimate of your location; which means it handles a lot of sensitive data.
The Russian economy is less than a tenth the size of the United States or the European Union
I wish I had the self-confidence to pontificate on Russian domestic arms production while apparently being unaware of something as basic as purchasing-power-parity adjusted measurements.
Comment tu définis le fascisme par curiosité ?
Je suis un peu surpris par «depuis les années 30, il a absorbé toutes les autres extrêmes droites», car en général on considère qu’il a connu un net recul vers 1945.
No worries, Macron has been working very hard to put an end to Françafrique and it is already mostly over :)
Bien vu ! Est-ce la phrase où je dis “mais les œufs brouillés me vont” qui vous a mis sur la piste détective ?
Perso comme dit Camus j’attends que la poele soit assez chaude et je gratte sans arrêt le fond avec une spatule plate pour sans cesse mettre de l’oeuf liquide en contact avec la surface. Je crois qu’en théorie il est possible d’obtenir une omelette cohérente en arrêtant au bon moment mais le magma d’oeufs brouillés me va très bien.
Le nombre de tarifs a bien baissé depuis l’unification du 1er janvier dernier puisqu’il est passé à deux (tarif metro-train et tarif tram-bus). Les zones ont disparu, les seuls tarifs spéciaux sont pour les trains qui vont au delà de la région et les aéroports.
Les problèmes de l’Avelia Liberty aux USA sont bien connus grâce au rapport d’Amtrak qui a été rendu public.
Sait-on quels sont les problèmes du TGV M qui provoquent un retard comparable ? Sont-ils les mêmes ? J’ai l’impression que la SNCF et Alstom sont très silencieux.
You don’t need a selfie there, just use the Gimp.
Lol this is brillant
I wonder the same, my theory is that this gesture is used both as a loyalty test and a way to further polarize society.
Making this gesture draws clear lines in society: those who say it was fine, those who say it wasn’t, those who don’t take a stance (ie the media calling it a “controversial gesture” or similar). So Musk & al now have a clearer idea of who stand where. It also cleaves those “for” and those “against” further away, solidifying their base.
Another explanation is this is part of the normalization of extreme rethoric and symbols. I doubt he could have gotten away with it ten years ago; who knows what they’ll be able to do and say in 2035?
Yet another possibility, he did it on a whim and the neo-nazis like Bannon are now seizing the opportunity. It’s unclear how planned this was and how intentional the consequences were.
(And all might be true at once)
Just curious, do you get 10¢ for every metaphor you write or something?
Lol are you a Google rep?