Bun, meat, salad, tomato, onion, Cheddar.
Légumes du marché : 14,95€/kg, 128kcal/100g, temps de préparation : 1h (nécessite 6 ingrédients supplémentaires pour que ça ait du goût)
Bouffe random nutriscore Z : 6,30€/kg, 655kcal/100g, temps de préparation : 3 minutes (micro-ondes 900W)
2 Spider 2 Man
All optical media is.
Audi’s Etron translates to “turd” in French.
The landfill.
Yes! BG3 and KC2 devs made amazing games but for some reason decided to have them take place in the most generic, boring medieval/fantasy setting.
I want a pirate RPG, or sci-fi, heck even a hardcore Mario CRPG.
Skate 4 is coming out any day now!
I assumed a website called The Daily Tism posted on a meme community would give it away.
It’s satire about Rowling.
THPS was never realistic, it’s basically Mario 64 on wheels.
Probably in-engine footage but not actual gameplay.
THUG 2 will be a tough challenge to remaster. It has a very early-2000s vibe and heavily features Bam Margera.
I don’t know, this site seems super cereal to me.
Milda Spergers
Mild Aspergers
You are objectively incorrect. The tracking is better, yes, but the image is blurry when 3D is on. It’s definitely not clean and solid.
Gandi massively increased their prices 2 years ago.
It doesn’t. It prompts you to solve it when first logging in.
Since when does Amazon send printed ads?
Pokémon is not a first party game, it’s developed by Game Freaks. And the Switch isn’t underpowered for this kind of games, there are lots of better looking games on it, such as Breath of the Wild, which is a launch title. Game Freaks is a terrible studio who can’t make a game run smoothly even with GameCube graphics.