Yes. It is extremely good. Do not look up anything about this series until you’re finished. Even the name of some characters is a spoiler. Forget my previous comment as it also a spoiler.
someone who people really like dies, someone who everyone hates lives
big guys need to be cut/stabbed on the back of the neck, maybe because big guys have normal guys in there or something? i dont know where i got that from
people use some weird swords and weird grappling hooks
is the show ruined for me or should i still watch it? also is it on netflix? cause my friend decided to get that one and share it with me and some other people
Yes. It is extremely good. Do not look up anything about this series until you’re finished. Even the name of some characters is a spoiler. Forget my previous comment as it also a spoiler.
what i currently know is:
is the show ruined for me or should i still watch it? also is it on netflix? cause my friend decided to get that one and share it with me and some other people
You don’t know anything, and yes it is on Netflix.
ok i’ll watch it