• 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Same, I’m pretty bummed out to see the new Godot editor “made for VR” rely on some OS features that the Quest 1 doesn’t have access to, on account of the device no longer being supported by meta.

    Holding out hope for some righteous Meta employee to hook us up with a way to get root or otherwise jailbreak the Q1. Given that the sharing of the Go’s OS was only because Carmack tirelessly pushed for it internally, and he left for greener pastures several years ago, and the Zucc™ is now deepthroating macho authoritarianism, I don’t expect it to happen officially any time soon.

  • I think that’s the point of it. I also don’t think they’ve encountered every possible bug with it yet, so it might take a while before all the kinks get ironed out.

    The big “win” that these uids seem to already bring is unicity of id for resources - the problems I’ve had in previous editions of Godot were of the form where an asset’s locally generated id doesn’t match up in the various scenes that use it.

  • The uids’ re-generation might be faulty, as they’re new to 4.4.

    In theory the problem can still arise without using uids - it certainly has for me in the past, working on a godot 4.2 project on 2 separate machines. Godot imported the same things twice, once independently on each machine, and so generated different ids for them. From what I can tell the biggest error/mistake on my part was opening the project in the godot editor before pulling the newest commits.

    The best approach I’ve found so far has been to be very conscious about when a new scene is created, and to similarly be very mindful when merging git branches.

    If a scene was added, but not its .uid file (or a resource but not its .uid or .import) then whoever pulls the code and then opens their 4.4 editor will generate new uids on their end. This generation probably updates the scattered .tscn files that participate in and/or use the newly added scene.

    Sadly I don’t have an exact method or workflow to recommend beyond trying to do git pulls/fetches before opening the editor, especially when new scenes, nodes, or resources have been added to the project.