Do it, I dare them
It will speed up and severely deepen the collapse of the US dollar.
Between the tarrifs, the massive structural debt, and now grifting the public on crypto: the depression will be like nothing before.
Translation: They’re going to steal all of the Fort Knox gold.
Nah, at that point you have the same problem that Bitcoin does. Well, one of the many problems that Bitcoin has. Okay it has another one of the many problems that Bitcoin has.
In any event, you can’t realize that kind of gain without crashing the asset price and rendering it all worthless. I would like to repeat the proposed solution from Auric G. Et Al to instead detonate a dirty bomb inside of Fort Knox, possibly with an English misogynist handcuffed to it, which will allow us to instead reduce the global supply and earn significantly higher returns in appreciation of our existing holdings.
i think you underestimate the world gold market. If they were only selling the gold domestically i would agree but there really aren’t very many americans and the rest of the world likes gold for many reasons.
Additionally these assholes dont need anywhere near 100% of the value they are selling stolen assets 75% is done, 50% is fine, it’s all profit for them
It seems you have some familiarity with the gold trade. Tell me, have you seen those new laser cutters up close?
Here, enjoy an up close and personal viewing of them while I leave the room unguarded.
Aren’t they selling gold certificates?
Fort Knox NFTs?
I heard Tesla stock is a great buy!
The most stable currency in human history liquidated to buy the least stable, and it won’t even crack the top 10 dumbest ideas this week.
when did we get goldbugs here
bitcoin is more stupid, but goldbugging is not not stupid
🎶 Goldbugger / the man who will bugger gold / his prick is cold 🎶
Do you realize that putting your wealth into commodities and securities instead of a deliberately inflated currency is just basic money management?
And with “securities” not looking too hot right now, that leaves commodities.
(Also it’s huge warning sign of a recession in general)
You probably felt really smart when wrtiting that comment, and that’s totally normal and valid. Everyone has lapses in reading comprehension sometimes.
Uh huh. Why don’t you explain for class what you think the conversation is?
daddprofessor. Most of us were agreeing that Trump admin trading gold reserves for cryptocoins is a stupid idea. This seems to have attracted people who agreed for the incorrect reason, namely that they think inert yellow metal is the fundamental source and measure of wealth, which David called out. After that it could be one of three things:a) You misunderstood what David wrote and rudely insinuated he is unfamiliar with the concept of speculative investment.
b) You correctly understood what David wrote and — being a goldbug yourself — took issue with it and proceeded to make the aforementioned rude insinuation.
c) You’re flirting with me a bit too aggressively and it’s activating my brat instincts, professor~
You’re not intellectually ready for college, calm down.
No, I understand what double negatives are and addressed them correctly. You’re giving “David,” and I doubt very much you’re personally familiar with him, credit where it isn’t due.
Goldbugs are people who are unreasonably bullish on gold as a value store, just because it’s gold.
I am pointing out that it is perfectly reasonable to invest in gold when your government is run by morons both actively attacking the value of the national currency and doing their best to cause a recession. Especially when those morons have a personal financial interest in doing so because all of their wealth is in commodities and securities while their debts are measured in USD.
lol holy shit
holy fuck what an embarrassing post
You’re giving “David,” and I doubt very much you’re personally familiar with him, credit where it isn’t due.
hey “David”, this fucking weirdo
goldbuggold stockpiling enthusiast says we don’t know youanyway, I had to dig through way too many of your unending awful posts (please log the fuck off) to find out that the reason why you’re in here posting about gold is because you’re into the other thing weirdo ancaps love:
Of course, BitCoin is doing better than ever, and it will continue to rise while Russia is under sanctions and drives demand.
Unless you do what they call a “rookie move” and don’t keep a personal wallet.
so how about you fuck off out of buttcoin
Oh dear, please give Mr. Gerard my apologies for assuming first name basis, how impolite of me.
I think calling gold “most stable currency in human history” is pretty buggish, but maybe by the time I’m intellectually ready to go back to college I’ll figure out why it isn’t.
Sure, investment in gold is reasonable. Particularly compared to most of whatever the hell Trump administration is doing. You said goldbugs are unreasonable yourself, so your initial hostile tone seems misplaced. Most likely you either misunderstood what was said or felt that the remark about goldbugs was meant to include people as reasonable as yourself, even though no one said investing in gold is unreasonable per se.
As for your later hostile tone, that is perfectly understandable because I’m being almost as much of a condescending dick as you are.
Come to think of it, dragon types are know to be big on hoarding gold so I guess it’s natural for you to take the issue so personally.
also make sure you get a 100% gold buttplug and sleep with it in. that way you always have a stash on you in case the left take over the government and storm your house
would you rather have a gram of gold or twenty hamburgers?
not a currency, and only stable in the form of 197 Au
Bitcoin is the new Brooklyn Bridge.
Aw yeah time for the Great Libertarian Schism
We’re seeing it in action right now, tonight in this very thread:
check isotope 197 Au on wikipedia
look inside
stable nucleotide
I guess maybe what if Fort Knox was glassed?
both 198Au and 199Au have half-life in order of 3d, waiting 1y will decrease radioactivity to nothing (5E40 times for 198Au and 1.3E35 times for 199Au. others are shorter-lived and fission products can be probably separated chemically to an acceptable degree). it’s also pretty decent deterrent against stealing it, and decay product mercury is stable and easily separated. i’m not even sure if irradiating gold with neutrons would make it worthless because of that. might even go up in value because there’s now a story behind it. bigger problem would be that it’s scattered everywhere
Me dropping a radioactive gold bar on my foot: “Au!”
yeah, you better do
Godspeed, David.
One week later, the entire oval Office will mysteriously be gold-plated
Trump’s new golden chair that is totally not a throne or anything, also his funny new golden hat that is absolutely not a crown!
Killed by a golden bullet, I hope.
I don’t know that it holds enough of an edge for a golden guillotine, but it’s dense and heavy enough that we could probably create a workable alternative if we give up on clean cuts.
Imagine Bitcoin going to the Gold Standard.
I guess now is the best time to do one of those Ocean’s Eleven heist and rob Fort Knox. Soon it’s not going to be worth it anymore.
You’re watching the Ocean’s Eleven heist in real time.
Yeah, I don’t think we will ever get to know the full extent to how much Trump and his oligarch cronies will eventually end up having pilfered from federal funds.
It’s all to do with billionaires being able to hide their money so they can avoid taxes, escape the authorities, hide their fraud and embezzlement. It’s about taking the power away from other nations.
North Korea supports the idea
Meanwhile, all their bitcoin hidden billionaire money stockpile price goes up up up.
Sell gold for bitcoin, generate more interest in bitcoin, pull rug, buy gold.
Gold is real and generally increases in value. Bitcoin is nonsense with perceived value that makes it valuable until it is not. Quantum computing will break a lot of things. Including Bitcoin.
yay goldbugs
Beanie Babies are real and generally increase in value.