Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
Yeah don’t let them have the swastika either.
Wait… I’m hearing it’s too late for that. Damn.
They already killed hip-hop.
Could you elaborate on this? I mean there’s Kanye obviously, but “killing hip hop” is a strong statement considering he fell off years ago.
The culture of “real” hip-hop is basically crime culture, within that crime culture the same methods of of fascist control are used. Like the way rappers attack one another and try to control people. Gangs intertwined with the culture. Gangs are fascist, they are Nazis, they abuse people for their own personal gains. Rappers are often a voice for that sort of shitty behavior.
Just listen to any “gangster rap” they are all authoritarians raping other people’s lives.
(Very generalized)
Fuck that shit. Listen to Danny, Tech, RTJ. Fucking MF DOOM and Ace Rock if you want to go back. Hip hop is punk as fuck and anti fascist.
There’s a conspiracy theory going around that the music industry execs colluded to heavily promote gangsta rap over social-conscious rap during the 90’s, so that young black people would turn to a life of crime and fill up prisons, as they had recently invested in the nascent private prison industry.
The only “proofs” are anonymous testimonies by self-described industry insiders, but the fact that rap wasn’t always about gangsta culture is real.
Well, Superman looked up at me,
he said, “You rock so naturally”
I said "Now that you’ve learned to deal, let me tell you why I’m so for real.
I’m Cozmo D from outer space, I came to rock the human race.
I do it right ‘cause I can’t do it wrong That’s why the whole world is singin’ this song"
Ah, jam on it
“Very generalized” uhh, can you give some examples? Like, maybe if you squint at the 90’s West Coast/East Coast rivalry, but not really?
I’ve read all the comments here and I’ve concluded that we don’t really have an effective way for dealing with this problem, although we all recognise the problem.
Will forever hate them for trying to take Pepe the Frog.
feels bad man
F the fascists
This is why gatekeeping is actually important. But you’ve got to be sure you’re keeping out the people who want to change the group, rather than people who want to join it.
norse mythology: the bisexual dude who has a meathead son and an adopted genderfluid kid. doesn’t go anywhere without his horse-grandson. knows everything will go wrong when they get a dog.
Plus they associate war with masculinity and magic with femininity, and their main guy is the god of both. Women fought and men learned magic. Clearly gender was a pretty flexibly concept. (Not to even mention that we found what appears to be trans masc viking burials.)
What buried site was that?
Birka grave Bj 581
For a second I feared Lemmy didn’t have the “Save comment” function yet.
This is a wonderful point! I recall years ago reading the government said of the hippies that they just started selling them incense (to put it lightly) and it was one of the ways of taking them down from the inside. So this is an old trick used by many. Sucks how insidious it all is.
Do fascists really try to take Satanism though? Don’t they usually prefer to claim to be on God’s side?
There’s a bunch of fucking Nazi punks out there. Punk and satanism are uber alles. Punk is anti fascist as it gets but these fucks are too stupid to see it.
Fascists try to take everything they can get their hands on to try and get a way “in”. There’s O9A, Joy of Satan, STS (not TST) and others.
I don’t know man, Satanism is pretty fucking stupid.
You’re pretty fucking stupid.Educate yourself.
There’s a specific breed of online Nazis who insist that it’s ‘punk’ to be Conservative.
Those idiots wouldn’t know punk even if it headbutted them in the face.
fascists are even trying to steal the identity and word of conservatisim.
conservatives of 12-15 years ago are liberal by todays standards.
Not wrong at all, the Nazi Party co-opted and stole countless icons and imagery, the swastika itself was stolen.
and the modern day Nazi Party in Russia at least, tries to steal entire letters of the Latin alphabet.
I have a Celtic knot tattoo on my forearm (actually it’s the album cover of King Crimson’s album Discipline).
My British friend told me I shouldn’t display that in public in the UK because people might think I’m a neonazi.
I’m like fuck no, Celtic symbols don’t belong to Nazis and I won’t let them have it! Also, it’s a prog album cover wtfRespect for having Discipline cover tattooed on your forearm
Yeah, prog rock’s not very popular so most people won’t recognize it as what it is, unfortunately… However, I wear band tshirts like 80% of the time and by far the best reactions were to my Rush Tshirt. Followed by Riverside and KGLW.
Anyway, fuck nazis !
I had to stop wearing my Mjølner pendant because of those fucks. So I fully agree.
Nazis are cultural parasites.