She’ll be here in ten minutes. I’m boned, aren’t I?
Edit: I’ve got the ears back on, but now his nose is gone! Fuck! What do I do??
My poor son!! :(
Final edit: She’s got the papers, guys, and I don’t think I’m getting custody.
In a sea of shitposts this may be the shittiest.
I’d be more worried about the fact that he hasn’t moved this entire time
He’s the best in the world at stay.
Just photoshop them back in!
and then whenever she asks to see the dog, just show her the photoshopped picture, genius!
What’s the breed?
Mostly pit bull with a side of boxer, chow chow, German shepherd, and husky.
What color is his tongue? Or did you steal that, too, you monster
It has blue spots!
It was a hot day and he ran hard
That’s quite a lot of sides.
He’s a shelter dog. Both of our dogs are.
We haven’t done a DNA test on the girl. She’s still pretty new to us.