I’d love to learn SQL. I’m going back to school later this year because I have a bachelor’s degree with 127 credit hours. I’m 23 hours shy of being eligible to hold a CPA license in my state. So I found a local community college that offers a computer science program with a focus on database management, and there’s a whole class on SQL that I’m kinda looking forward to. And because I already have a degree, all of my gen eds are out of the way. Taking the core classes for the two year degree at this community college sits right at the intersection of 151 hours. All I have to do after that is pass the CPA Exam lol It’s that easy.
The way he so quickly racked that slide is a huge tell that this isn’t his first rodeo. If you brandish on someone with a sticker or magnet, you know you’re not in any real danger. Dude is just a psycho nutbag who has never lost an argument because his retaliation is always gun.
This is the kind of guy to shoot at kids for knocking on his front door while his family tells the media he’s a good person.