You’re getting downvoted, but I’m extremely cautious of unisex bathrooms because a creep did exactly this at a bar, using the guise of the unisex bathroom to follow me in and sexually assaulted me.
As you stated, I’m sure he would have found any avenue to isolate me without causing suspicion that he could have found, but this certainly provided an easy method for him.
Also, edit to add: this was a couple years ago and I’m doing much better now :). Fuck that guy though, I hope he gets hit by a garbage truck.
If you wanted to record restrooms, you could just set the camera eye level at the sinks. Something that physically can’t see into closed stalls(and make the stall wall/doors go from floor to ceiling).
I’ve heard the argument that as soon as there is one common bathroom, women will get stalked and raped in there….
Sorry to burst your bubble but if someone wanted to attack you, it’s not a triangle dress on a sign that would have stopped them.
“You’re right! And that’s why we are also outlawing so-called ‘trans women’ from entering them!”
It can. Mostly because if a person enters wrong bathroom, everyone there will focus on them. With women going into attack mode.
Except that if not there, that person will find another moment. x_x
Do you think these assaults are happening in crowded bathrooms? Or that other women will ignore an assault simply because the bathroom is unisex?
You’re getting downvoted, but I’m extremely cautious of unisex bathrooms because a creep did exactly this at a bar, using the guise of the unisex bathroom to follow me in and sexually assaulted me.
As you stated, I’m sure he would have found any avenue to isolate me without causing suspicion that he could have found, but this certainly provided an easy method for him.
Also, edit to add: this was a couple years ago and I’m doing much better now :). Fuck that guy though, I hope he gets hit by a garbage truck.
I think we should normalize audio recordings in bathroom I mean it’s a little weird but I don’t really care if someone hears me piss
I’m just imagining the help wanted ad for the security guy that has to listen to farts all day.
They’ll come out of that job with a whole taxonomy for farts and grunts.
If you wanted to record restrooms, you could just set the camera eye level at the sinks. Something that physically can’t see into closed stalls(and make the stall wall/doors go from floor to ceiling).
I don’t think either are going to deter assault.
Proper self contained cubicles, then you can just record everything outside of it and you would see anyone going in. The lock should help too.
They could put little TVs in each stall so that you can see what’s happening in the other stalls, to be sure nobody is coming after you.