From what I understand, a big part of what’s happening with Boeing, is that Boeing is run by Business person who want to maximize return of stock-owner rather than by people wanting to make a good product. The gained flexibility/nicer budget from massive sub-contracting led to “loss of knowledge”, and cutting-down quality control steps which “never catch anything” led to issue being missed-out.

Do you think that MBA program will take this reality into account ? or would they keep focusing on maximizing short-term profit even if it jeopardize the company’s future ?

  • Tetsuo
    7 months ago

    IMHO everyone is entirely missing the point pointing their finger at Boeing.

    The main issue is the FAA and how it failed to control Boeing. It’s obvious a business will try to sacrifice safety for money. But there should be check and balances. Someone making sure a business doesn’t do that.

    The FAA let Boeing supervise itself.

    Just to be clear some of the higher up at Boeing are criminals but so is the cop that told him he could police himself.

      7 months ago

      And now we have a former McKinsey consultant as DOT Sec.

      During his term we had aircraft doors coning off midflight, a catastrophic train wreck in Ohio that polluted into New England, a ship tear down a major highway bridge, etc.

      Def presidential material.