There’s a Samurai and a Joker. The joker says he wants to legalize cannabis and rename the Shibuya district to “drug-addict” district.
As far as I understand, Japanese people are fairly politically apathetic and abstention is very high.

Edit: governor, not mayor.

    • tiredofsametab
      55 days ago

      As best I can tell, the samurai guy shares a name with one of the legendary 47 ronin and often leads a procession about it. It’s hard to find actual policy positions. mentions a couple things. appears to be the party platform which is … odd. The filial piety/loyalty thing is a big yikes for me in most interpretations, but maybe it’s more innocent than I’m reading into it (it is pretty vague in at least the couple minutes I had to poke around).

    • @Klaq
      35 days ago

      Entre Moon et Nippon Kaigi, le Japon c’est aussi un badtrip permanent.

      • oce 🐆OP
        35 days ago

        There are vans with speakers shouting political slogans including the pro-emperor xenophobic nationalists. I was very surprised that this practice is allowed in the country of politeness.