I find the DB sync system in Actual a bit odd. Don’t get me wrong it seems to work but I’m afraid it might corrupt in some corner cases.
I already have a lot of things using PHP (phpBB, Wordpress, FreshRSS, etc…) so that’s kind of a no-brainer for me. But I get the point, not very popular these days.
Got around 100 of them, mostly PAL
Around 150
Not quite. My collection file says 8675€. I buy a lot, but I actually sell a lot too, and I get most of them used when possible.
Limited Run/Super Rare games generally maintain a very high resell value so when I don’t like the game, I have absolutely no interest in not selling them, usually for around 20% more than I bought them.
That’s the cat’s rug it does not have to be nice.
Black ones? Nintendo Labo PAL version.
Est-ce que ça étonne vraiment qqn ?
J’avais lu qqs parts que c’était théoriquement possible parce qu’aucune juridiction ne peut dénoncer le décret de dissolution.
Je ne suis pas spécialiste et ça me parait un peu gros. Après, politiquement, ce serait le suicide de toutes manières.
Ouais faudrait refaire des JO histoire de…
Il a mis 2 mois la dernière fois, je le vois pas se décider en moins de 24h (sauf s’il joue aux échecs 4D et qu’il a 20 coups d’avance).
Very serious question: can’t someone leak this report even illegally?
That and one of the thing with rich people is that they hate losing money whatever happens.
So technically Melon could run Twitter at a loss for years but at one point, he will simply abandon it.
Y’a quand même des news qui donnent le smile
If you don’t count Mighty N°9 /s
deleted by creator
Maybe I should write it with a sharpie or something.
Ah, nice one! Didn’t realize it could even be done.