Je t’invite à créer un autre post sur meta pour que ce soit plus visible.
Réponse rapide, tu n’as pas besoin d’etre admin, ici, iels le cogèrent bien à 4. Si tu crée la commu, tu sera modo de cette commu et tu pourra virer les trolls et yaura pas le problème de notif.
Sur ya pas trop de modération à faire. Si ya besoin, d’autre viendront en renfort. Pour ma part, je reste sur 10 commu max
Oui mais contrairement à cette banane, ça a du sens, c’est une démarche environnementale.
They can but in France their writting skill and understanding complex sentence are below average.
Why ? Because we lack bilingual school. If we had teachers teaching french and sign language, we wouldn’t have to translate everything in sign language.
Lastly, i believe that some Deaf refuse text as it represent a form of oppression culture. But i’m not sure about it. that’s my feelings as I’m often blamed for my long text when i write to them which is not the case with earing one. Maybe they are too long.
However, there were ton of articles about french election but they wanted a sign language version…so i dunno.
And what are the ethics of withholding when that technology has safety implications, and could enable the deaf child-then-adult to apprehend dangers to themselves or others? Footsteps in the dark, a window breaking, a car approaching on a quiet street, a fire alarm, a scream in the shopping centre, a baby crying in the next room – none would be audible to my daughter without an implant.
And from a feminist perspective she might need, as women always have done, a loud voice to shout, or to argue with her healthcare providers, or to advocate for herself in an emergency. The implant would provide her with a clearer pathway to power and impact in the world, and to positions of influence where she will be underrepresented both as a woman, and as a deaf person.
She writes well and nailed to understand what the cochlear implant is able to do.
Our neighbourhood pear tree is just beginning to rouse itself after winter, and my little girl has been emerging too – into a Jamesian ‘blooming, buzzing confusion’ of new sounds that were beyond the reach of her hearing aids. Yesterday she heard the tiniest, most pitiful bird chirp, and told me so excitedly, with a strong, clear voice. On a windy day she stopped, wide-eyed and said: ‘I hear the leaves rustling with my coch-le-ah!’ with all the triumph she saves for brandishing found treasures on walks.
We hold a both/and view here too, and also celebrate the magic of her ‘quiet ears’ and the unique perspective they afford her. When she removes her processor before sleep, it’s clear she’s relieved to submerge into calm again. But she holds the dialectical promise of both silence and sound at once – this time literally, insisting on holding her processor tightly in her palm while she falls asleep. In this way she stands pragmatically astride both worlds. In silence, but with a hearing key right at hand; ready to unlock the blooming, buzzing cacophony of the world whenever she chooses.
It’s beautiful 🥹
Mostly because the brain is the architect. The cochlear implant only provide electrical stimulis and the brain do the translation. And when we are young, our brain will create faster neural connection. (But i’m not sure, i don’t know how the brain evolve though age)
Sorry my english is rusty.
I don’t think it is an outdated pathologisation. I suffered a lot from depression and loneliness partly because of my deafness. I was born profoundly deaf and wear hearing aid since 3 years old. At 30 year old i decided to experience the cochlear implant because i was stuck in my life. It has only been two month since its activation and i’m starting to see its benefit.
It depend on each one situation, it’s a balance between risk and benefit and, for me, the cochlear implant outweight the risk.
A culture is based on language. It shape your way of thinking, create a structure, define color…So when you speak, you share a common culture.
Deaf people created another language to compensate their hearing lost and communicate between themselve : sign language. Their culture is based on the lost of their hearing sens. That’s one of the reason we call them “Deaf community”. Not Deaf people.
So when parents decide to help their kids with the cochlear implant, without teaching sign language, it do endanger Deaf communities.
However, if i had deaf kids, i would give them the cochlear implant because it is much more powerful compared to hearing aid and i want to give them the best life experience and the best education. The education for deaf people is poor compared to hearing one due to a lack of bilingual teachers and school fund.
There is a huge lack of content in sign language. Have you ever seen a wikipedia page in sign language ? Futhermore lot deaf people i have met doesn’t know to write a correct sentence since there is a lack of bilingual teachers. So lot of them can’t do an university course and call a tird person for help.
I would also give to my kids sign language because, even with the technological progress, they are still Deaf. It won’t cure their deafness. If their cochlear implant break or its production end, they will be able to live on and sign and discover deaf community and their beautiful culture.
Most of parent haven’t met Deaf people, they don’t know sign language. I think they are affraid, worried. There is a lack of information. Anyway, they did the best they could do with the information given to them at the present time. During my reeducation session, I met a mother of two young implanted kids. She was very very happy to met me, a Deaf adulte. Because i speak, i sign and i shared my life experience. She wanted to know what do they hear. She wanted to know their experience : “It is the same sound as myself ?”
So, in some way, i showed her that her kids can do it. It reassured her for their futur.
Heu, c’est pas exactement comme ça que je voyais le post. 😅
Le titre pourrait etre : création d’une commu lgtb, qui est interessé.e ?
Propose sur meta j’en connais plusieurs qui seront interessé.e.s ici. On peut aussi creer c/humainisme. ;)
C’est terrifiant. 😰
Pour le tag lgtb, tu voulais dire une commu dédiée ?
Rien qu’en lisant le titre, j’ai juste envie de vomir. Je comprends pas les 51 hommes.
Dans l’amour ya tout une dimension du jeu qu’une personne qui dort ne peut pas conmuniquer.
Un bon plat, des petites attentions, des compliments, de la tendresse, la complicité dans le regard de l’un.e et l’autre. Écouter, rassurer, etre joyeux, avoir envie…
Est ce que tu aimes ci et ça ? Pas trop ? Ça va ? Comme ça ? Tu veux qu’on arrête ? Là c’est absent, ya pas de complicité. La dimension objet, peut aussi etre érotique si on aime bien être dominé ou soumis. Se sentir prit, se donner, posseder…toujours avec un cadre.
Là ya rien. Juste une femme sous sédatif qui dort.
Tout simplement que ce fachiste pense qu’un ou une élue est au dessus des lois pcq iel représente le peuple.
Ce genre de propos devrait etre condamné à une peine d’inégibilité à vie car ça menace la séparation des pouvoirs et démocratie. Macron devrait aussi subir le meme sort.
Ouep le blanc se salira, j’ai peur aussi que le plastique jaunisse. Par contre, comme iel se “salit” plus souvent, en fait, logiquement iel sera plus propre que sa version noire.
On le nettoira plus que le noir.
Ce soir, si je suis pas trop fatigué, je devrais pouvoir vous présenter ma nouvelle combi qui accompagne mon canapé-lit :3
Ben propose tes actu mondiales (en français de préférence) ça dépend aussi de votre participation. ;) hello, je vous ping car sa demande concerne la création d’une commu lgtb. :)