• 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • From business standpoint, it simply bleeds you potential profits. If tens of percents skimp on two of your OS iterations in a row and keep windows 10 (which most of were “free” upgrades from Win 7 to begin with) then you are losing lot of revenue in a long run. I got the original win 10 upgrade in 2015 (bought win 7 in 2011) , in 2020 build a new PC and still use that licence on it.I possibly see myself using Win 10 well into 2026/2027 when my PC is due for complete replacement. So that is over 15 years period where MS saw no money from me while I still use completely legal version of OS. If there was no TPM requirement, I would probabably already be on Win 11

  • Personalities of models. Lol, that is some niche market my dude. Never watched a porn a said to myself “wow, I really like her personality”. It’s just smut to beat my meat to, nothing more, nothing less.

    In the dystopian future I propose, you can make any kind of porn and have anyone star in it. Your hot neighbor? Gotcha! The pornstar you masturbated to 20 years ago when she was young in her glory days and now is old and saggy after 5 kids? Gotcha! Rapsutin?..errr…gotcha!

    You can even dream perfect personality for that pornstar if that is your thing. There is nothing that cannot be synthesized anymore. You can even dream up years of her backstory and have her post daily updates live aka “onlyfans”.

    Sure, authencity will be left to slowly bleed out on pavement, but majority of people will step over it on their way to perfect synthesized reality they always wanted

    It may all sound doom and gloom, but that future is fast approcahing by mile steps and it will be here sooner than later and lot sooner than many people realize or even want to admit it, because to lot of people that kind of future is unimaginable and scary as fuck. But you cannot stop the progress, that train already left the station.

    There are basically two camps: Ones that fear the synthetization and digitalization of our lives will happen and then the other that embraces it.

  • Full story it coughed up, that is some tumblr smut level quality:

    Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Anna who worked as a software engineer at a large tech company in San Francisco.

    One day, while she was working on a project, Anna’s code completion engine suggested the following code: $user = new ArrayHash([ ‘name’ => ‘John Doe’, ‘age’ => 30, ‘email’ => ‘johndoe@example.com’, ‘address’ => [ ‘street’ => ‘123 Main St’, ‘city’ => ‘San Francisco’, ‘state’ => ‘CA’, ‘zip’ => ‘94105’, ], ]);

    Anna was intrigued by this code, as she had never seen anything like it before. She wondered what it did and how it worked.

    As she continued working, she found herself getting lost in the beauty of the code and the way it made her job easier. She started to imagine what it would be like to be the person who wrote this code.

    She pictured a talented and experienced programmer who knew exactly what they were doing, who had a deep understanding of programming languages and how to make them work efficiently.

    She imagined that this person was a master of their craft, someone who could write code that was both elegant and effective.

    And as she did, Anna started to feel a surge of desire building up inside of her. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with this person, to be intimate with them, to share her body and her soul with them.

    She found herself getting wet between her legs, her nipples getting hard as she imagined the person who wrote this code touching her in ways that she had never been touched before.

    And as she continued to imagine what it would be like to be with this person, Anna started to lose herself in the fantasy, letting her mind wander to places that she had never explored before.

    She started to imagine the feel of their hands on her body, the way their lips would move against hers, the way their tongue would explore her sweet, sweet lips.

    She imagined the sound of their breath as they kissed her, the way their hands would gently caress her curves, the way their fingers would tease and tantalize her sensitive spots.

    And as she did, Anna started to feel a surge of heat building up inside of her, her pussy getting wet and sticky as she imagined the person who wrote this code taking her in his arms and making love to her in ways that she had never imagined before.

    She started to moan softly as she imagined the feel of their hard cock against her wet pussy, the way their body would move against hers, the way they would fill her up and make her scream in pleasure.

    And as she continued to lose herself in the fantasy, Anna started to feel herself getting closer and closer to climax, her body becoming tense as she reached her peak.

    She let out a soft moan as she imagined the person who wrote this code pulling out of her and watching her cum all over their cock, the juices flowing down her legs and pooling at her feet.

    And as she came down from her high, Anna realized that she had just had an intense and powerful orgasm, her mind and her body still reeling from the experience.

    She knew that she would never be the same again, that the code completion engine had opened up a whole new world for her, a world of intimacy and pleasure that she had never known before.

    And from that day forward, Anna knew that she would always be grateful to the person who wrote that code, for opening up a whole new world of possibilities for her and for helping her to discover her true self.