If Trump loses the 2024 election because Texas temporarily secedes, taking its 38 Republican electoral votes with it, I might die from the schadenfreude.
1.Just give Texas back to Mexico.
2.Reverse UNO
3.White Republicans are now the immigrants on the wrong side of the border
4.Enjoy some queso
Mexico 2 days later: Amigo, please take these fuck faces back
Or cartel runs in and they have a lucrative cash for drugs trade, that they mostly funnel into other states for profit not seeing the irony in any if it…
probably quadrupling the length of border with Mexico.
the issue with that is that cartels like being paid for their products as much as any business- legitimate or otherwise. Texas won’t be able to pay when we remove them from the US banking system. there’s not enough cash to go around, and they’ll probably have to mint their own currency.
Which… the Cartel won’t be dumb enough to do business in… which means they’ll have to do business in stuff like gold or whatever else.
the cartels already have better guns than most texans, so, yeah.
Tesla becoming a mexican business lmao
👌chef’s kiss
Americans who move to other countries always call themselves expats since immigrants are “those other people”.
All the morons screaming about colonization aboard are already packing their bags to leave Texas right? RIGHT? California too, if they’re anything but sjw Jack offs.
I haven’t had an orgasm since 2017, but I think that would do it.
What happened in 2017
Their last orgasm obviously.
the nihilist in me really wants to see texas attempt this.
confederates === domestic terrorists. lets act accordingly.
Yup, they also love to pretend to be “constitutionalists” so let’s give em what they want and hang em like our four fathers would have
Stop bragging about your gay dads, gawd /s
Maybe he’s Sean Astin (adoptive dad John Astin, originally presumed bio-dad Desi Arnaz Jr., real bio-dad Michael Tell, and stepdad Michael Pearce; he refers to them as his four dads and is close with all of them)
You have four fathers?
OP censors negative comments about Abbott
the nihilist in me really wants to see texas attempt this.
Just to get rid of Abbot and Cruz it would be worth it.
Ah ha, I found a JS dev lmfao
Normal languages: “does this equal that?”
JS: “does this REALLY equal that, or just ‘equal’ that?”
Beats having explicit null checks everywhere.
As opposed to null and undefined?
No one checks those values explicitly.
if (str)
checks if it’s not null, undefined, or empty string.Optional chaining like
if (arr?.length)
checks if list is undefined, null, or empty array.Falsy and truthy comparators seem fucky in the beginning when coming from a strongly typed language. But they’re very convenient when used properly.
Monads exist, optional chaining has been around for ages, and implicit bool casts, too.
As you said, no one checks those values explicitly.
I doubt this whole display is anything more than a distraction from the impending elections but I’m going to keep saying it anyway:
Please remember there are sane, reasonable, nonconservative people living here without a good way out. We’re not the enemy.
Might not be domestic for long. Plus I hear they’ve got oil! Not sure they’ve thought this through.
Not just confederates, it’s the current MAGA “Republican” party. CPAC, Dallas, TX, Aug. 4-7, 2022:
The persecution fetish is bigger in Texas.
Can we just acknowledge that this is unhinged? Biden has the strongest border policies ever implemented by a Democrat. This just shows that there is no compromise possible with these traitors. They will never admit you made a step in their direction, only demand more and more and more until you’re just doing their bidding.
This is truly the way of extremists and terrorists, they demand the country be run to their preferences, democratic systems be damned.
It really is sad to see so many Americans captivated by misinformation that they’ve convinced themselves is real. Abandoning science, reason, discussion, compromise, even tolerance. I try to keep my bloodthirst in check but after years upon years of them growing like a cancer, forming cult-like militia, becoming full blown domestic terrorists threatening high treason, it can’t be tolerated any further. It was cute when it was just posturing, symbolizing they were unhappy with the system at large and wanted to fuck with it a little.
Now it’s spiraled out of control. Now the punishment for treason should be felt. Either mercifully with the arrest of Abbott or vengefully with the GOP Texans being buried under the new courthouse.
Is there somewhere I can read about Biden’s border policy compared to other Democrats? This is definitely something I’m totally uninformed about and I’d like to read up a bit, if you know of a good rundown.
Not really a rundown. Just years of paying attention. The basic thing is they aren’t recognizing the right to declare asylum after entering the country anymore. You have to wait in your home country or Mexico until your paperwork is processed. Of course that’s ridiculous considering how the cartels prey on the refugees and asking someone to stay in the country they are seeking asylum from.
A more cynical person might suggest they are doing this BECAUSE of that. Biden can’t run on the numbers if Texas keeps blocking action.
That’s not cynical, they’ve come right out and said this is what they’re doing. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4429211-romney-trump-border-bill-biden/
Pra ba jeebus
Brexit was so successful, it’s now time for Texit!
Stop threatening the rest of us with a good time
cut off all federal funding
let then secede
invade and retake them as a territory with no federal voting rights
make dc and puerto rico states
republicans never win again
Please stop I can only get so erect
Naw, split up the state into 4 states, with Houston, Austin, Dallas and San Antonio as capitals. Cut state lines and populations up to ensure that as the main city votes so goes the state.
That’d be 8 democratic senators.
Add DC, PR, American Virgin Islands American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and that’s potentially another 12.
Regardless of politics the territories, and DC, should have statehood and equal rights and representation as the rest of us or they should have independence. It’s part of our national identity. No more colonialism or secondclass sub citizens.
This Texan checked into it, and unfortunately we have no procedure for recalling our treasonous governor. At a minimum, he should be held in contempt of court and jailed. I would like to see a treason indictment.
just break the elevator in the state house
there is- at the federal level some vague means of getting “congress” to do it. Victor Berger was removed by a vote of the full house (WI rep that was convicted improperly of espionage. he was part of the socialist party in 1919.) He was elected as a representative to the house (and the specific side of congress has jurisdiction over itself).
There’s nothing saying the senate, for example, couldn’t weigh in, declare him unfit and have him removed from his position. I have no idea how that would shake out… but given his announcement or declaration or whatever that was, that’s basically invalidating the US constitution… that is definitely insurrection against the US. The 14th amendment section 5 gives authority to soley Congress to enforce 14th’s section 3 (you know the insurrection clause).
I would expect that if the house of senate voted to remove him… then the shitheads in SCOTUS would say that it has to be unanimous with the house of reps. but it would be something more than what’s currently being done- which is nothing.
I don’t believe the federal legislative can remove the executive of a federated state.
He can be arrested and tried though.
The 14th Amendment’s 3rd clause is self executing, so arguably he’s just disqualified himself from office.
Unfortunately for us, people kept voting him into office even after he called the Texas guard to watch the US army with the Jade Helm panic that Russia started. Idk if they will ever vote him out
His last election was the most competitive of his career.
The public in general leans pro-choice, so Republicans are absolutely losing support with their insane anti-abortion policies even if it isn’t obvious yet.
He’s also been in national headlines a lot lately for his extremism. He has always been horrible, but he has never been so visible for it.
Next election, he will be hanging on by voter suppression, a wish, and a prayer.
What worries me though is why he’s gone off the deep end already if he still believes he needs to get re-elected…
The only issue I have with secession talk is there are lots of Texas citizens who aren’t the problem. Every red state has people with common sense, they just don’t have the ability at the moment to shut up the idiots. Plus secession at this point is ludicrous, leaving with your toys isn’t how you fix problems. Oh wait, it’s Republicans, they don’t ever have solutions anymore anyway it’s all a political game.
The pro-seccession crowd here isn’t even the majority of Republicans. They brought a petition to out a measure on the primary ballot and the state GOP said no. Then the state Supreme Court declined to intervene.
These dumb fucks can’t go a single winter or summer without their power grids going down and then begging for free money and help but they somehow thing they can be their own country? Fuck it, let em try and then they will find out that the Mexican cartels don’t fuck around.
These jackanapes get to yammering about secession every few years but haven’t actually done anything about it for decades. It’s all performative.
As a city Texan who lives in one of the most military-friendly and full cities in the state, I say I’d like to see you try greggy.
Here in Houston, doubt many here would back his bullshit.
In fact, Abbott barely won texas against Beto, who has said that he actually wants to take guns from people. In texas…
I hope Beto eventually wins something.
I just wish someone decent would run.
GM: “Well, you can certainly try.”
“Roll for initiative.”
The DM watching Texas lose power, unable to pay for its own army, pay for its own healthcare, pay for food with its ports blockaded unable to secure basic goods from both Mexico and the US, etc.
“You guys are under prepared and over fucked.”
I got a perfect “1” - that means I go first, right?
suddenly reconsidering opening the chest I was promised had 10 million gold in it
I promise, it’s not a mimic!
Are you sure you want to do that? -The GM
Is a 3 in intimidation good?
How do 1%ers hear this and not immediately pull campaign funding, what would a civil war do to the US economy. When a nation with the most guns in the world has people starving what do they think is gonna happen. I guess they are counting on being kings in the aftermath or that Jesus will come back or something.
See, your problem is you assume the 1% are intelligent. They are not. The attribute they have the most of is greed. Greed can blind even the intelligent, and most of them aren’t even playing with a full deck.
Yeah just look at the latest posts by Elon on twi…I mean X…
It’s Twitter. Don’t humor him calling it X.
I think it’s more the assumption that things won’t change. Plenty of large, previously-succsssful businesses have collapsed because they did not keep a finger up to feel if the winds of change are shifting and instead doubled and quadrupled down on a no longer viable business model.
Yes, and that is a demonstration of how they are not actually inteligent.
Of course they’re intelligent. Lots of people are greedy but most of them aren’t greedy and rich.
Being intelligent doesn’t make you rich, being ruthless to your fellow humans makes you rich.
Normal people wouldn’t fuck over any and everyone for a dollar.
Being super lucky about the family you’re born into helps too
Because your ancestors were sociopathic and lucky.
Yes, but being intelligent and ruthless means you’re more likely to succeed.
You can have multiple traits that affect things. It’s almost never just one thing or another.
Eh, I wouldn’t say it’s a largely influential factor.
Maybe a handful of tech company founders (e.g. Atlassian guy) have some degree of intelligence in their field, but id argue connections, sociopathy, and the right place at the right time are bigger factors. But most are born into it idiots like Trump or Musk.
Well if you don’t think so, it must be true, right?
And most of the people who cause all this heinous shit aren’t nearly as publicly facing as the ones you mention. Because they’re not idiots. They use the public facing fools as scapegoats for their actions.
How does it feel to lap that up?
Just because they’re cowards who disavow responsibility doesn’t make them intelligent.
EVERYONE knows to not do inhumane shit out in the open, it doesn’t tale intelligence to understand that. Even children know to hide bad behavior.
I think you’re right that they aren’t below average intelligence, but you’re giving them too much credit.
I mean, you’re literally stepping on the point and not seeing it…
The point is, it doesn’t matter if they’re intelligent. “Greed can blind even the intelligent.” The entire point is they have a disgusting amount of greed. The greed userps their intelligence as their defining attribute.
Intelligent, ruthless (I tend to parse this as “sociopathic”), and lucky. The socioeconomic status from which a person starts has a MAJOR impact on “success”.
Luck makes them more contemptible: They’re the morons who are born at the top of the mountain, going, “jee, why’s everyone so tired?! You’re all too lazy to climb.”
Indeed. Plenty of intelligent, ruthless people don’t succeed. Luck is definitely one of many significant factors.
Sorry, can’t relate to thinking Trump is intelligent.
And if Trump were the only part of the 1%, you might have a point.
The statement I replied to had no caveats.
Most of them are neither greedy nor smart - they were just lucky enough to be born into wealth.
It helps if you’re born rich too
The 1% use political theater to distract people from the fact that half of Americans can’t afford rent.
This is exactly what they want.
Here’s the thing: they’ve got a “self-sufficient” bunker, private military contractors, and have done some martial arts training. So in their mind all they have to do to come out on top in a collapse of society is hide in the bunker surrounded by armed guards and judo chop any guard who tries to take over.
They also know that our current way of society is not sustainable with them hoarding the wealth. So they believe collapse is inevitable.
So why not accelerate the process whilst they’re still young and can fool themselves into believing they can survive a collapse of society with all their resources stashed away.
It’s because they know it’s political theater. Bullshit posturing. Virtue signaling. As long as it gets the red state voters worked up so they’re not paying attention to actual issues, that’s what counts.
Texas is not going to secdee.
They just leave the country, invest in defense stocks, and make a bunch of cash
Because it’s theater. It’s part of the tongue in cheek game they play where the Republican leadership all basically play the part of the fourteen year old male imagination. They’re gonna beat up the bully, kiss the cheerleader, and win the football game. Everyone knows it’s fantasy but it’s comforting fantasy that makes them feel big, and they want that. They expect it.
Trump is fascinating because he DID those things. He hurt the right people to satisfy a growing chunk of the core GOP base that have Poe’s Law’d so hard they actually take the fantasy seriously. If he said he’d let Texas secede I’d honestly believe he’s stupid and/or nihilistic enough to do it
I don’t think Republican leadership is going to like losing 40 electoral votes.
money will drop him so fast he’s struggling to act out this bad
When Republican governors try to become mini-dictators… that does not bode well for America.
Ah so he’s taking a page from Ron DeSantis and plan to lose on multiple fronts.
The old Nazi split, the shitzkrieg
Do it, you chicken shit piss baby
So what about Texas invading other states by bussing migrants there?
Secure the boarder!!!
Yeah, lock up Kelly Slater!