Photos by Benny Ng

Nice handful of pics of one of our favorite owls.

This lead photo is a pose I don’t think we’ve had before.

  • @pseudo
    6 months ago

    My lovely BFO (* _ *)

    • anon6789OP
      66 months ago

      It’s got so much personality for a big owl. It’s usually just the small ones that seem to capture that wide range of “emotion,” I feel this really lets the Buffy capture people’s attention.

      I was a fan since I first learned of it, but pulling all the photos for the tournament really showed how wonderful this owl is able to be captured by the camera in a way many others aren’t.

    • anon6789OP
      36 months ago

      Buffy went far for an owl most of us had never heard of. That was what I was hoping to see from everything. Buffy, Flammy, the Big F’n Owl, and Sooty all got to go from zero to hero. I look forward to showing off more of the Ketupa genus, which included Buffy, Big F’n, and 2 other fish owls, plus about a dozen that got booted from genus Bubo, the horned owls. There are also the fishing owls of genus Scotopelia, so lots more of these guys to come!