itd be so funny if us conservatives got together and acted liked communists 🤣 like what if we acted like we were trans too and like, validated each other 🤣 what if we like, hooked up and did gay stuff to you know, troll liberals that may or may not come to lemmy 🤣 what if we kept doing that for years and tricked all the lgbtomatoes to come here 🤣 what if we tricked them into thinking this is a rare safe space and we build lasting relationships over the years 🤣 what if we all got together and created cute voice overs for leslie feinbergs books 🤣 what if we cuddled while listening to them 🤣 oh man we’d really be owning the libs then

  • Infamousblt [any]
    1 year ago

    It would be so funny if, as conservatives, we got together and overthrew the global capitalist order and replaced it with one that is run for and by the people. One that helps everyone meet each other’s needs rather than shareholders value. One that not only allows, but encourages and supports each and every human to live a life as their most free and true self. One without hunger or homelessness or servitude. A world that works for the world and for nature and humans place in it rather than against it.

    It would be a really funny conservative joke we should totally do it