MiraculousMM [he/him, any]

  • 45 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Would you say I should give it another shot?

    Imo yes, they’ve added more stuff to do since then and if you play on Agony mode you will definitely get close to the kind of chaos you mentioned in VS. HoT is less of a pure dopamine rush than VS for sure and I can see why that would turn some players off to it, but imo its a more refined and interesting experience.

    I’ve barely played Holocure but the little I did play I remember enjoying a lot, I’m probably gonna hop into that one next. My personal ranking rn would probably be: HoT, Brotato, VS, Death Must Die (this will probably go up once they add a little more content, love this game), and Nordic Ashes in 5th.

  • RoR2 is one of my all-time favorite games, just a masterpiece of coding, art design and extremely addictive gameplay. It sucks ass how badly Gearbox butchered it, but yeah the general consensus is that suits rushed the development process and now one of the best roguelikes ever made is almost unplayable. Like ffs the final boss’ AI glitches out and he becomes invincible so you can’t even beat the base game currently. All signs so far point to them investigating the bugs and actually fixing shit eventually but that could take months based on what modders have discovered about the new code. Another causality of the slow painful decline of the mainstream gaming industry in capitalist hell

  • Streamers aren’t revolutionaries, at their absolute best they can serve as a piece of the pipeline to the left. It’s good that Hasan’s audience (the majority of whom are basically kids) is being exposed to consistent and principled anti-imperialism. I wish that didn’t come with all the baggage of making his millions off of that same audience but I don’t think its a net negative considering we live in a society etc etc.

    That being said BadEmpanada is a drama-seeking childish weenie who contributes very little that other minor internet celebrities don’t already do better and more consistently