• Jayjader
    1 month ago

    Je trouve dommage que l’article qualifie de “tâche sur son mandat” la prise d’otages et sa gestion, sans toutefois mentionner les soupçons envers Reagan et son équipe de campagne. Selon un article du New York Times paru en 1991 et que wikipédia référence de la manière suivante :

    Abolhassan Banisadr, the former President of Iran, has also stated “that the Reagan campaign struck a deal with Tehran to delay the release of the hostages in 1980”, asserting that “by the month before the American Presidential election in November 1980, many in Iran’s ruling circles were openly discussing the fact that a deal had been made between the Reagan campaign team and some Iranian religious leaders in which the hostages’ release would be delayed until after the election so as to prevent President Carter’s re-election.”

    D’un côté ça ne qualifie pas directement Carter ni sa «gestion» de la prise d’otages. D’un autre côté si on veut examiner son héritage, sa contribution au monde d’aujourd’hui, il faut aussi parler de ce qui se passait “autour” de lui.