For the record I was posting in support of inclusive language, but pointing out that context and convention matter.

They seem to have even scrubbed my comment from their instance, lol.

    7 days ago

    So would you say to women that they should just get over discrimination and harassment in the workplace because it’s inclusive, for example? I’m sure you can think of some more extreme examples that go beyond that both in magnitude and into parts of a person’s identity beyond gender.

    Please understand that marginalized groups already receive special, negative treatment. Claiming that they’re being included by ignoring those very real parts of their lives doesn’t sit well with me. If you are the type of friend that ignores the suffering of the people you are close to and treats others well only so far as they are “normal” and don’t require special treatment, that won’t make a fuss when you call them names or make them the butt of a joke to be “inclusive”, then I don’t envy the people in your life, bucko.