• I liked them as a little kid, but never got to sleep on one. now that I’m an adult, all I see is the logistical nightmare of setting one up and the catastrophes that become possible with some giant bladder of water inside the house that could leak or burst… and the whole time growing up, all the adults said they fail all the time, the sleep isn’t restful because of all the rocking, etc.

      I slept on a big ship for a while, where some people need like Dramamine and stuff. I was out like a light being subtly rocked like that.

      I would totally love some hassle free opportunity to try one out for a week.

      • Not only that, but having a bladder full of high heat capacity water sucking up every joule of body heat from you will make for a very sniffly waking up.

        When I learned that almost every waterbed needs a heater I wondered how much energy is wasted on something that cloth and foam can do by just existing.