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Some horrifyingly gurgled words from a deformed throat, faintly heard as “JUSHT LIIIIIKH IN THUUUUH TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETS”
That’s not what Kafkaesque or lawful stupid means
Isn’t it great to have the richest and most powerful and influential people on the planet be really fucking ignorant?
I’d say its Kafkaesque
“Hey Elon, go fuck yourself” - Love from Planet Earth
That’s a Lovecraftian way to be so Orwellian.
This comment is so Dadaesque
a wordsworthian rebuttal, only i retort in an ee cummingsian way
If only Musk turned into a bug
This is like when libs learned “intersectional”
That’s not what lawful stupid means either
is the kind of asshole that would go out of his way to belittle and sideline the rest of the party, demand center stage attention at all times, get really mad if his character (that is basically himself with better stats) took damage or had negative consequences, and above all else would abuse and exploit and outright harm NPCs on a whim and then insist he’s “chaotic good.”
Vince Gilligan:
he finally watched that one episode of mission hill
Please no meat touching
He is currently watching Breaking Bad. I know it.
I’ve read one Kafka book and it’s a guy dreading his case and being promptly executed. 10/10 efficient government, real ones can only dream of such efficiency
okay but what does that word mean
i keep getting called kafkaesque plz help
It means you’re a cockroach
aw guess they were bullying me
i keep getting called kafkaesque
If you work at a government office and there was a line to see you, someone might have had to wait a while and got mad.
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