Photo by Brian Santos

From Wikipedia:

The Philippine scops owl is a fairly small-to-mid-sized species of owl, but is arguably the largest true species of scops owl. Adults measure from 23 to 28 cm (9.1 to 11.0 in). Their body mass can range from 125 to 310 g (4.4 to 10.9 oz), with females often considerably larger than males.

  • anon6789OP
    213 days ago

    I am glad you’re still here! You’re another one I’ve been missing your name popping up.

    I absolutely want to do Owl of the Year again.

    • @pseudo
      211 days ago

      I’m not the kind to stick to one thing. I get invest a lot for sometime then I lost interest coming back from time to time but not so much.
      I still love owl, I upvote many post but I don’t have much so say anymore (^_^') Too bad because I miss the fun we had!

      • anon6789OP
        211 days ago

        No worries! The owls and I are here when you need us. I’m just glad you’re doing well.