My dog is fine, though, which is the most important thing to me. The raccoons scratched my arm kinda bad and my legs are covered in scratches. My doctor can’t be sure if the raccoons had saliva on their claws, and wants me to get rabies shots just in case. She sent me to an ER because she can’t get the shots in our area.

I’ve been at the hospital for 3 hours and haven’t been seen.

It’s after my bedtime and I have to wake up at 5am for work…

I’m not having a good time.

    1011 months ago

    Meh free healthcare is in our constitution, just like many other countries in Europe. The only place experiencing this problem to this degree is the United States. It’s not a capitalist problem at all.

        611 months ago

        This is why we need better education in the US.

        Also, this is why we can’t have healthcare. We don’t know why we deserve it.

        I was talking to a person once about single-payer Canadian healthcare. And she said, but what if someone doesn’t work? Should they still get it?

        [I mean, yes.]

        I said, how come you don’t ask that question about cops and firefighters? You don’t say, well if someone doesn’t work, should the firefighter’s come to their house if there is a fire? We have single-payer police insurance and single-payer firefighter insurance.

        But after the fire, you’re on your own!

        America! Fuck, yeah.

      • oce 🐆
        11 months ago

        Socialism in EU may not have the meaning you think it has, it’s very distinct from communism. It can be called social democracy, like Bernie Sanders, maybe.
        For example, the previous French president was from the French Socialist Party and the current primer minister of Spain is from the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, and they are not radical lefties.
        In this case, socialism means accepting the free market capitalism for the efficiency it may bring to the economy, but with good regulation and, mainly what the USA lack, a good social safety net (free healthcare, free education etc…).

        311 months ago

        Socialist constitution means they have in there provisions to impede the private ownership of the means of production.