Pour discuter de tout et de rien

  • @Camus
    35 months ago

    En somme c’est une nouvelle commu.

    Pour faire court, l’histoire est dispo sur !newcommunities@lemmy.world (le post a 23 votes qui parlent de !movies@lemm.ee )

    Si tu es curieux

    The removed posts

    The removed comment:

    Hello, As you banned my other account, I am now commenting with this one. I’m not going to comment on this that much, the modlog is public, people interested can have a look at make their own opinions. For history, the two removed posts: (screenshots) I guess we can just conclude that we disagree on how to manage this kind of communities, which is mostly fine, that’s what Lemmy is about after all: freedom. I’ll probably contact the people interested in review threads (and there seems to be a few, based on the removed threads and the 200 upvotes on the other post) and see it we can offer an alternative for people looking for a more structured community. Good luck

    • @CommationCerebrole
      15 months ago

      Ouah mais tu es partout ! Merci beaucoup pour tout le travail que tu fais en tout cas.

      • @Camus
        25 months ago

        Chacun fait ce qu’il peut pour que la communauté se maintienne !