Hi! Welcome to Learning Rust and Lemmy!

This community started from the realisation that there are probably a fair few people interested in learning Rust and in contributing to Lemmy but just don’t quite know where to start and are struggling to get going on their own. See the post where I first suggested the idea.

So … why not get all those people together and start a cooperative learning and tinkering community? Well here we are!

This is intended to be a space where people at any level can come and try to learn Rust together, learn about the Lemmy code base together, discuss whatever confusions or difficulties they’re having in these endeavours and work together on solving problems, including, maybe, some contributions back to the Lemmy code base.

So checkout some of the general discussions, the meta discussion on how this place can or should work, and enjoy!

  • Jomn
    1 year ago

    Thank you for opening up the community!