Same here! Our whole kitchen had at least 2 sets of owners worth of grease and grime coating everything. The people before us only owned the house for a couple years, but I don’t think they cleaned the place even once. We spent the first day of homeownership scrubbing all the nooks and crannies of just the kitchen. The outsides and tops of the cabinets are still a bit sticky, but we’re hoping to replace them soon. One of the burners on the stove was absolutely encrusted with burned stuff, the bottom of the fridge drawer had tons of dust and crud, and the walls were covered in handprints, food splatters, and misc. grime. Bleh!
Canceled Netflix because they finally kicked my friends off, might get it again for 1 month at a time, here and there. I get Disney for a few months for my brother’s bday, we catch up on whatever came out in the past year. My mom shares her Peacock with me. I got a year sub to Dropout, and share it with 2-3 friends. We stay subbed to Hulu and HBO pretty much all the time, and we get Paramount a couple months a year. We have Prime, but I’m probably going to cancel it soon.