I left Reddit much too late. I guess some habits can be hard to break. Then I spent some time on kbin/mbin/fedia, and I’ll be staying here.

Btw I’m a non-binary trans person [they/she/he].

  • 280 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • If you manage to find time to take a look at it at some point, I’d really love to get some feedback on the content from you and anyone else, of course.

    For me everything started last year when my cat got sick and western medicine had nothing to offer him. So for the first time in my life I went to a vet that practiced both allopathic and homeopathic medicine. The results were fast and impressive. I was amazed. Then the vet she prescribed a mix of bach remedies that also worked wonders. So I started reading about homeopathy and the flower remedies and thought that it would be much-much cheaper in the long run if I started doing the mixes myself, and started getting veraciously absorbing informative material. I totally I started using them myself. Now, I also make my own tinctures, and more often than not I make more to gift to friends as well.

    One thing that I like so far about herbalism (or my understanding of it) is that there are many approaches. This can be quite challenging, especially for newbies like me, but it can also be a motivation to learn more.

  • It seems to me you are missing the point.

    This is a political suicide. I cannot say that I am for this approach but what I see is a form of protest (and maybe what I think about it is another topic). What is striking to me is that this US-backed Genocide is taking place for almost a year, and due to despair americans are even killing themselves as a form of protest.

    And of course there are other forms of protesting. People try to influence politicians in so many ways so the US stops providing guns and arguments attempting to justify it.

  • If any of the people who downvoted this post see this comment (or anyone else as well, actually), would you mind letting me know what is problematic in relation to this content? Herbalism is a pretty new journey for me and would like to keep learning. From the little I know, what is said in this talk seems legit, this why I am asking.

  • To be honest, I don’t know who’s in the right here, …

    The way I see things, it’s pretty clear. In the global south are the countries that suffer the most from the economic activities (to say the least) that come from the global north. Giving these badges to the global south NGOs is important as an effort to balance out how underrepresented these part of the world typically are, even tho they are most affected by actions of others ,namely the countries that got upset, or companies that come from there. Admittedly, I don’t expect too much out of this specific climate conference due to the intense lobbying that takes place there. I’d love to be wrong on this one and be pleasantly surprised, for sure.

    …but the article definitely feels like it’s taking a side, and the editorialized title makes that bias worse.

    I believe it is important to accept that all media is biased, even if they try to portray themselves as neutral or objective (an easy example would be fox’s fair and balanced sloggan). So I don’t think that bias is a problem by itself, but performing impartiality totally is, and mainstream media do that for several reasons.

    Still, I think a journalist or an outlet can be trustworthy, and this relies on their processes. They need to be honest and meticulous in their research (and perhaps something else that I didn’t think of right now).

    Edit: The strikethrough