ksp [il/lui]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024

  • Il est clair que, vu l’histoire de l’open source en général, bien que cette notion ait toujours eu un lien avec le monde des entreprises, ces dernières ont bien plus pris qu’elles n’ont données. Je trouve donc qu’il y a plus une dépendance des entreprises à l’open source que le contraire. Mais il est clair qu’il est difficile d’imaginer l’open source sans contribution des entreprises,.

  • I get it as an European that it means more to me to consume “locally” and to prioritize services that are European-based. But due to the nature of computers and FOSS, borders are redefined and it is more about ideas and politics rather than physical location. However, computers and servers are also physical and submitted to legislations of countries, we cannot ignore laws such as the Patriot act and the power that the American state can have even on FOSS projects.

    For me the priority is to use software that match my needs; if I have the choice between an American and an European solution, I’ll tend to choose the latter one.