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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • The open AI governance model was doomed to fail, however, and structurally had no chance to work. By ignoring human nature and greed, things ended up with the profit side getting backing from a massive for profit company and employees voted with their pocket instead of sticking to some mission statement idealized by the non-profit board.

  • America is truly exceptional… Nonagenarian politicians serve as lawmakers of an economy they barely understand, and part of a system of legalized bribery that reinforces their lack of interest in not understanding, while septuagenarian supreme court interpets and applies laws made in the aftermath of the civil war but are free to bend the meaning of laws as their personal political biases allow, and octagenarian presidents wield extreme unchecked power.

    In this system, laws against abuse of personal information and exploitation of data will only be written in 2080 or later, after many lives of common people are damaged, until it damages the life of a congressman and then change happens.