erik [he/him]

Resident normie on this site.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I really enjoyed the game circa 2014 or so. The game. The player base has individuals that are as toxic as reputation gives. But the matches were actually fairly slow paced and movement creep hadn’t gotten incredible yet. Something very strategic about how the phases of the game went. The heroes were deep enough that you could become good with them on a level that impressed, but not so much so that you couldn’t rotate between good “counters” to opponent’s choices. I actually enjoyed how long the matches were. I usually only played when 2+ friends were also playing to mitigate the toxicity, but I had a blast doing it.

  • I hear you on that. I haven’t had a crashing bug that stopped me completely, but I’ve never had a game crash as much as Rogue Trader does. But, in some way I almost appreciate that because it stops me from playing a bit. It’s the type of game I could really get sucked into and the crash pulls me out and lets me to other things with my ‘me’ time of the day. But maybe it just shouldn’t crash and I should have more self discipline haha