We like music for the same reason we like games, stories and successfully accomplishing tasks.
It’s the vibe that it evokes.
Patterns evoke a vibe too.
Vibe = poetry emotion energy.
It’s a sensation like sight, sound, smell etc. Just a different kind.
I think you’re just not high enough. I’m serious. When you are good and high the problem is that you are too enthusiastic and energetic.
Yes, drugs. But there’s better.
Healthy food. Art. Working out regularly. Getting sun. Meditation. All that stuff will get you high.
Remember kids, the most powerful propaganda is the kind you never see.
It’s just the truth. And everybody who disagrees is obviously insane.
Your mode of conversation is bassackwards and duplicitous. I’ll pass. Lol.
Meditation is a nice alternative to this. It expands your consciousness, so that’s kinda like reading philosophy, and it’s time well spent so you can feel good about that. But it also gets you high, which is nice.
But normies basically do everything they’re told. I mean that’s their whole reality. They don’t even have individual mind. They are embedded in the hivemind like pebbles embedded in a glacier. All of their morals, thoughts, desires … are just a product of the hivemind.
You don’t want to be like that. That’s fucked. That’s a zombie holocaust.
What we want is ADHD with good self-discipline. Is that oxymoronic?
Oh make the statement that you want to make already. Dancing around it allusively just muddles things.
That’s fair.
Contemporaneously, in some of Larry Nivens’ fiction, it was called a “data brick”.
When you feel like you are getting too attached to the metaphor of the hour, abstract it up a level.
They held like 100M. They were gargantuan.
I think video is still referred to as “footage”. That is, how many feet long the tape is.
The form of language is dictated by the preferences of all those involved in the conversation, the conventions of their shared culture, and other context. For a person to insist that everybody involved bend to his sole preference is unrealistic.
Some struggles are so objectively small that invalidating them is only sane.
Both are making a demand, that you conduct yourself in a certain way.
It’s a combination of what you want me to call you, what I want to call you, what the conventions of our culture suggest that I call you and what’s convenient to the context, actually.
Knock yourself out.
But I find that convenience is the primary dictator of speech. Anything else gets awkward and exhausting.
Your self-centeredness is absurd. We have better things to do than oppress you. Trust me in this.
We speak in whatever way seems best. And that is a personal matter. Respect that or not.
To address the first one. You assume that everybody uses language the same way that you do. That conforming to your demands in this is as preferable for them as it is for you.
That’s a pretty gigantic assumption.
I worry about money.