Linux hobbyist, Machinist and tinkerer

  • 144 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Honestly a month ago me and my friend were looking at microsoft forums. One of which was somebody asking why tiktok was preinstalled in windows 11. Forum admin replied that it was bloat from a manufacturer of the hardware. It was a homebuilt computer and fresh copy of windows 11 home.

    28 more people said windows 11 did this by default, the admin eventually realized it was not accidental or a fluke. Which he previously eluded to.

    Shows the current state of windows 11

  • Awgggggggg THE 5G Its cooking by brain like a toastinos pizza roll!

    Mmmmm Piza rolls Dis very good mel for da stomac Ther 5G make very smol brain

    My apologizes that was actually just a lack for understanding of how modern technology. Technically every radiowave is a microwave with very-ing wave lengths. Which have all been deemed safe because they are not tight wavelengths like an actual microwave. But are actually a fraction of a fraction of the output power, you have a higher chance of getting damage from UV from the wretched grass infested outdoors. Than a wifi router or cellphone tower.

  • Honestly for saying it deanonizes people is a bit of a fibracation. Yes theoretically a threat actor could figure out what clould flare DNS sever it is. But that really doesnt do much realistically. For example qouting the researcher “i live in new york and my closest data center is in new Jersey”. Realistically what can a hacker do with that, other than know you live somewhere near new Jersey. The threat actor would gain very little and the information they supposedly gained isnt verifiable. You live near NJ but to the threat actor they would assume you live in NJ. Which is a red hairing, and thats not even bring up VPN’s or TOR into the equations. Which 99% of journalist use all the time for amenity. So in conclusion the information they gain is about the same as saying “i may or may not be near this cloudflare server”

  • "What do you mean mr computer man? I just turned on my chrome book and am watching tiktok while writting this comment. Mr computer man why cant i just unlock everything. Stop using fancy techno bable like TCIP and AES? I just want a sticky note with the master key, i also want the key to narinia and the ability to teleport. Mr techno man, please and thank you. Mr robit give me the master key like in 1995 hackers with the shitty ass mini glasses and the random terminal output "

    Some people speak of things they dont comprehend and try to give advice beyond there intelligence.