No worries! Thank you!
A French gaymer who’s 29 years old. (he/him)
No worries! Thank you!
Great ! Thank you a lot !
From what I understood, it didn’t just happened. A certain person knows things about him that he never told, or something like that.
Thanks for the suggestion, though. That’s a nice idea.
It’s an Android.
EDIT : A Samsung Z Fold 3 to be more precise.
I don’t know, I don’t have all the details. But people you trust today might not be worthy of trust tomorrow, I guess.
Great ! Thanks for all the infos !
Are the hidden tems missable ? Or I can get them later ?
If that’s true, that’s pretty lame 😓
I really hope it’ll happen at some point.
I’m kinda scared that this will happen to me now. I’ve never been that far, but I’m 100% sure I would never touch the game if that happened to me.
I got stuck on Resident Evil Rebirth for the same reason. Took me years before I motivating myself to give it an other shot.
The heck did I just watch.
Pendant longtemps, ça a été Kingdom Hearts 1 et 2. Je dirais, tout ce qui me ramène à l’enfance. Relancer un Pokémon ou (re)faire la trilogie de remakes de Spyro ou Crash.
I second Resident Evil games. But, they have multiple ends that require replay the games or a large portion of them. You can watch the endings on YouTube though. But iirc, RE VII, has a whole different portion of game influenced by a choice you make, than make you replay that whole part and it can be long.
Yeah, I understand that. I think I found KH III more childish than the rest of the saga, most of the time.
Meh, I didn’t really like the mobile games, but I might give the story of them a try.
L’un des jeux de société que j’ai adoré jouer un soir, c’était Mysterium. Simple à jouer, les illustrations du jeu étaient belles (de souvenir).
Le Myto, jeu assez simple de bluff où il est encouragé de tricher. Un jeu d’ambiance sympathique.
J’ai aussi fait quelques partiez de Zombies !!! 11 Mort & cie, un jeu acheté à 1€ à Noz. C’était très fun, une fois les règles bien assimilé et donc que le rythme de jeu était plus fluide.
I’m waiting for sale but I’ll definitely pick it up !