


  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I’m in the same position, used Unity since Unity 3, tried Unreal but felt it took too long to just make a prototype, finally spent a day going through the 2D and then 3D tutorials for Godot, and now I am trying it out for 3D development with GDScript.

    The only thing I’ve really missed so far from Unity is a scene view while the game is running, you get the remote inspector, but it is so valuable to be able to have a secondary visual perspective while the game is running. Other than that, I’ve just had minor things with UI, like the 2D/3D/Script options at the top, the script editor should be its own tab and not tied to a scene, it gets really confusing when you’re in a tab named something like “Monster” but you’re editing the “Player” script. It seems somewhat common to use VSCode or other editors instead of the built in one, so I might take a look at that approach.

    I’m definitely liking it more than Unreal, it has been a lot easier to just get started and I can’t wait to really get into the weeds with a project.

    Edit: Just noticed there’s a button to make the script editor a separate window, then pressing the script button always takes you to that window, that basically solves that issue

    • Diligence Counter Sniper for bots, Breaker Incendiary for bugs
    • Grenade pistol never leaves my side
    • Frag grenades for bots/incendiary impact for bugs
      • Haven’t really found a good nade for bots, still working towards getting stun, I use frag for the shorter fuse time than the default HEs
    • Alpha Commander 117 medic armor, the extra stims and stim time are too good to give up


    • Bots: Quasar/POS/Eagle Strike/Shield or Mortar
    • Bugs: Flamethrower/POS/Eagle Strike/Laser Guard Dog

    I’ll probably go back to quasar for bugs when they nerf flamethrowers against chargers, right now it’s just too good to pass up.

    I recently switched from rail cannon to POS for both enemy types because the buff was amazing

    Shield lets me get in a few extra headshots at devastators before they hurt me

    Laser guard dog makes cleaning up the lower tier bugs a non-issue so I can focus on bigger threats, it is annoying to get killed by it or for it to accidentally kill teammates, but I still think it’s worth it

  • GhostlyPixel@lemmy.worldtoHelldivers 2@lemmy.caAm i the ass hole here
    4 months ago

    I had a guy who just kept saying stuff like “we need to run to extract” in all caps as soon as we completed the main objective on a hard mission with probably 20 minutes left to finish up the side objectives, pleennttyy of time. I wasn’t the host, but I probably would have kicked the guy after a while because he was getting mad at the rest of us for going around and cleaning up. He didn’t call extraction, but he sat around the extraction area the entire time.

    When we did finally get extraction going he called in a 120mm barrage centered on the extract point and it killed two of us as the drop ship was coming in. We had time to reinforce, but that would have been my last straw.