This is peak Lemmy humor
This is peak Lemmy humor
The Chevalier d’Eon disagrees with your timeline https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevalière_d’%C3%89on
I don’t know, I might intellectually understand that morals are relative to a culture and that even our concept of universal human rights is an heritage of our colonial past and, on some level, trying to push our own values as the only morality that can exist. On a gut level though, I am entirely unable to consider that LGBT rights, gender equality or non-discrimination aren’t inherently moral.
I don’t think holding these two beliefs is weird, it’s a natural contradiction worth debating and that’s what I would expect from an ethics teacher
I think you can call her the fediverse chick
What’s even funnier is that the MEP in question was (probably falsely) accused of being paid by the CIA to be a pro-american mole in the French Left last year
Wine and champagne? Bernard Arnault must be glad he supported Trump
What’s a chicken biscuit though?
I’ve never seen anyone cutting ham this way either
I finally got it too, I was almost getting a bit offended to be the only one not considered a valuable mark
France says hi
Alright I’ll do it
One of the consultates they’re planning on closing in France is the one in Strasburg. You know, the second seat of the EU parliament after Brussels
At this point burning cars is just as much part of french culture as the baguette
I think that’s part of the feeling of injustice and betrayal. Europeans put up with all US shit for decades because hey, they’re imperialist that only act in their own interest but at least they’re somewhat tactful about it. They made the entire world revolve around them, but at least they pretended we were on the same side so we didn’t protest too loudly.
And now they’re suddenly acting like they’re the fucking victim of this system they created themselves to benefit them? That basically broke the illusion the West reluctantly chose to believe in, and all that remains is the bad and the ugly
Saying Paris is an “immigration nightmare” tells us more about yourself than the state of France. And I’m saying this as someone actually living there
I wonder what’s the point of these hyperbolic articles everytime Trump gets slightly rebuked by someone. Best case scenario we all get a giggle out of it and move on, worst case scenario the world’s oldest baby throws a tantrum and starts a war with France over his bruised ego
Femboys are you doing today I hope you have a great day
C’mon, une machine a laver is obviously a girl! Unless you call it a lave-linge instead, in which case it’s a boy.
The UD absolutely could, but Microsoft couldn’t without facing massive legal trouble. That is, if the US legal system follows through and actually enforces EU court orders.
Regardless, unless specifically being forced to do so by the US, Microsoft wouldn’t have any reason to leave a billions-dollars market