• 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Not an American, but I can totally relate with that. Some politicians in my country have taken a page from Trump’s playbook since 2016 and have started telling blatant lies on TV, the kind that are supposed to be easily refuted by any one with half a brain, and not getting any serious pushback. It took me a long time to get past the “Wait, they can’t do that, that’s not how it works!” phase

  • EthalistoReddit@lemmy.mlReddit purges all NSFW subreddits
    16 days ago

    As far as I remember they weren’t monetizing NSFW subs, so I guess their reasoning is that banning them reduces server costs while not impacting their ads revenue.

    Now what will be interesting is to see how much of Reddit’s userbase was there at least partly for the porn, and how many users will leave Reddit altogether because of this move

  • J’ai jeté un oeil aux deux threads et j’ai vu que quelqu’un donnait le meilleur conseil du monde : vous prenez pas la tête pour les histoires d’instance, créez juste un compte sur jlai.lu et le reste sera transparent.

    C’est con mais pour moi ça a vraiment été une grosse barrière le fonctionnement décentralisé de Lemmy au début, je comprenais pas comment ça marchait et j’avais peur de pas m’inscrire sur le bon site. Finalement après 2 ans d’utilisation je comprends toujours pas trop le fonctionnement technique de tout ça, mais ça m’a jamais empêché de profiter tranquillement de Lemmy

  • So when his minister of education said that there was an “islamo-leftism” problem in French universities, that was Lepen’s fault? What about when his interior minister told Lepen that he fault she was getting a bit too soft on immigration? Or when Macron himself said, about two weeks ago, that African countries should thank France for all it did to them? Or when he told us that the left was as dangerous as the far-right?

    I could go on for pages