That documentary made me feel a bit sick at the time, especially given how popular it was despite making a ton of unbacked claims and taking weird sides
That documentary made me feel a bit sick at the time, especially given how popular it was despite making a ton of unbacked claims and taking weird sides
And, just like that, 2025 is already up for a very good start
Ce soir on fait la fête
It happens every year. Basically, ever since media started publishing statistics on which city had the most burnt cars on new years eve, some people made it a challenge of which city will “win”
Gonna reuse that one, great find!
Wait, starfish position? Am I doing sex wrong?
Yeah, not to be pessimistic but I’m a bit scared that they’ll just turn her into a gender-swapped Geralt. Ciri has her own things going on that make her special and an interesting character, she doesn’t need Witcher mutations
Meh, this is largely a debate over semantics since the mere notion of a “French people” wouldn’t have made sense at the time. “Frenchness” isn’t an ethnicity, it’s a mix of many different peoples that mixed and intertwined over the years (celts, romans, germanic tribes, immigrants from all over Europe…) and that eventually were all brought together as subjects of the french kingdom.
Normans weren’t “french” in the modern sense of the word, but then again very few people in what would later become modern France would have at that time : they all would have considered themselves “Provençal”, or “Breton”, or “Lorrain” who just happened to live in a Duchy that swore fealty to the king of France.
All things considered, William the Conqueror was a lord of the french kingdom, swore fealty to the king of France and spoke French, so he was no less (but no more, granted) French than any other of his peers. Whether you want to call him french is up to you but is largely an anachronism
And decision-makers at that company feeling good about themselves at no cost whatsoever for the company or themselves.
Ou alors les électeurs sont plus volatiles que tu sembles le penser, ne votent pas nécessairement dans leur propre intérêt ni selon leurs idéaux, ne sont pas aussi informés qu’ils pourraient l’être, sont victimes d’un système qui joue sur des biais cognitifs pour leur faire croire que les centristes sont forcément raisonnables parce qu’ils sont au milieu, se font matraquer par un système médiatique qui suit des agendas différents du bien commun, etc.
Idem pour les partis centristes d’ailleurs. Y’a forcément une part de cynisme dans le fait de systématiquement courtiser les électeurs de droite en droitisant leur discours d’année en année tout en qualifiant tout ce qui est vaguement a leur gauche d’extrémistes ou de radicaux, quitte à renforcer la droite, mais je pense pas que ça soit le cas de la majorité d’entre eux qui pensent probablement sincèrement être simplement “raisonnables” et ne faire que suivre un mouvement de fond qui se fera avec ou sans eux. Malheureusement le résultat est le même peu importe l’intention : les positions de droite voire d’extrême-droite sont normalisées au fur et à mesure qu’elles sont adoptées par des gens qui ont une image de “raisonnables modérés”, et la fenêtre d’Overton se décale.
Sure, that’s great but it’s not even the point. Fundamental research and other type of “useless” scientific endeavors help humanity as a whole to better understand our universe but would never be privately funded because they don’t have any concrete and immediate financial benefits. This is precisely what a government should finance, because no one else would do it and yet it’s small stuff like that that make us collectively move forward as a species
For those who don’t know, french gendarmes are part of the military. Those Israeli policemen just assaulted a French soldier on French soil which, you know, is usually a pretty big diplomatic no-no
Sure, but you can bet right-wing parties around Europe are taking notes right now and will get closer and closer to Trump in the next few years, just like they did last time
Please don’t do anything rash. The fight still goes on, the not-fascist part of America needs you! Love and support from France
Je suis vaguement cette histoire de l’extérieur sans trop m’en mêler mais est-ce que tout le monde n’est pas en train de monter dans les tours pour pas grand chose ? J’ai un peu l’impression que tous les échanges n’ont fait qu’alimenter la tempête dans un verre d’eau qu’était le post initial sans rien apporter de très constructif.
Je dis ça avec tout le respect que j’ai pour Camus, Snoopy et tous les autres qui tentent d’engager la discussion de façon honnête, mais est-ce qu’il ne faudrait pas juste faire un petit pas en arrière et laisser la situation décanter quelques jours pour qu’on puisse collectivement passer a autre chose ?
I have no skin in this game since I don’t live in the US, but we’ve been in a similar situation here in France regarding the constant Macron vs Lepen elections. For what it’s worth, I feel sick everytime I vote for Macron, but I always remember that a racialized fried told me “If you can’t even bring yourself to feel slightly sick to protect minorities from fascism, then are you sure you’re actually an ally?”
Yay, HEMA memes!
I didn’t know I needed this in my life but this strikes a chord in me