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  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024


  • Thanks! Good luck and keep me updated, I’m curious to know if you can get a good result. (I don’t see why not, but still.)

    That said, I might go another route. I seems the successor to a tuner card I used to have was apparently made again. (Said successor being the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-5525, to be precise.) It does have a capture function, especially since I still have the I/O extension from my previous tuner, (the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2200) which is compatible with this newer model too. Might go that route instead, as it would also let me watch TV and listen to FM radio again.

    I had already captured one VHS with the old card, but not only did I lose most of the capture since, and my old tuner also died. (Not that it’s very surprising, as it was the oldest part still present in my PC even back at the time of its demise. It is missed, but lived a plentiful life.) Plus, I since migrated to Linux, and this new model is better supported than the old one on said OS.

  • Because it didn’t agree with SECAM. I didn’t know it back then, but the GBS-C only support PAL and NTSC, there is absolutely no SECAM support in it. Same goes for the OSSC.

    That said, I saw that the successor to a tuner card I used to have was apparently made again. (Said successor being the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-5525, to be precise.) It does have a capture function, especially since I still have the I/O extension from my previous tuner, (the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2200) which is compatible with this newer model too. Might go that route instead, as it would also let me watch TV and listen to FM radio again.

    I had already captured one VHS with the old card, but not only did I lose most of the capture since, and my old tuner also died. (Not that it’s very surprising, as it was the oldest part still present in my PC even back at the time of its demise. It is missed, but lived a plentiful life.) Plus, I since migrated to Linux, and this new model is better supported than the old one on said OS.

  • Heureux que vous ayais eu une si bonne experiance pour les souvenirs Super-8. Ma grand-mère n’a pas cette chance. Ses Super-8 à elle se sont retrouvé dans une qualité dégueu, en plus d’être dans un grand le plus grand des désordre chronologique. (Sans compter la musique moisie que le professionel a ajouté.)

    Et j’ai hélas, en grande majorité, le même genre de retour sur les numérisations de VHS. (Pas pour la musique, mais qualité d’image encore plus dégeux que sur la VHS d’orrigine, parfois accompagné d’un mélange totalement illogique des différentes vidéos d’une même VHS alors qu’elles étaient dans l’ordre chronologique sur le support d’origine, ça oui.)

    Puis rien qu’en comptant les souvenirs de faimilles, j’ai plus d’une VHS à récupérer. Puis je numériserais aussi probablement les VHS comerciales que j’ai. (Ça fait chier de rachetter des vidéos que l’on possaide déjà. Surtout que dans le lot il y a des Looney Tunes avec le doublage français d’orrigine, devenu introuvable aujourd’hui.)

    Sans compter que je connais d’autres personnes qui sont interessé, rendant le materiel d’autant plus interessant.

    Bref, je préfère payer directement pour le materiel, que je sais parfaitement que je rentabiliserais, plutôt que de payer une tierce personne, pour très probablement devoir au final achetter le matos malrgé tout pour pouvoir refaire moi-même une capture propre.

    Je tien tout de même à vous remercier pour avoir pris le temps de me répondre. Votre contribution reste grandement aprécié.

  • Thanks for the information, I will take it into account.

    I still have the box of the controller, but I doubt it got the information of what plastic is used to make its elements, alas.

    While there is no stock left of the Xbox version, Amazon still have some units of the Switch one. But the way that button is made, I risk bending, if not outright breaking, its stem, while trying to take it from one controller to put it in the second. (And I’m not comfortable destroying a brand-new controller to repair another one, especially when it’s “old new stock”.)

    Since that controller is based on the Saturn one, I can search and see if the 8BitDo use the same directional pad. (It looks the same from the outside, but that doesn’t guaranty anything for the rest.)

    By the way, I looked inside to see how the plastic part of said button was made. Here is a link with 2 pictures (plus the one you already saw with my initial post):

  • Thanks for the information, I will take it into account.

    I still have the box of the controller, but I doubt it got the information of what plastic is used to make its elements, alas.

    While there is no stock left of the Xbox version, Amazon still have some units of the Switch one. But the way that button is made, I risk bending, if not outright breaking, its stem, while trying to take it from one controller to put it in the second. (And I’m not comfortable destroying a brand-new controller to repair another one, especially when it’s “old new stock”.)

    Since that controller is based on the Saturn one, I can search and see if the 8BitDo use the same directional pad. (It looks the same from the outside, but that doesn’t guaranty anything for the rest.)

    By the way, I looked inside to see how the plastic part of said button was made. Here is a link with 2 pictures (plus the one you already saw with my initial post):

  • BigoutoComic Strips@lemmy.worldThe Ark
    1 year ago

    Good teachers do it, both in history and french class, but that’s often an overlooked part of the teaching plan. In part because our government ask teachers to teach more and more things a year, and no days are added to said year. (The teaching about religion, I mean. Teaching religion is still illegal in public schools, and must be optional in privates ones.)

    Also, the “peoples” who govern us might prefer us ignorant of those things. (And many other, to be honest.)