I woke up almost 3 hours earlier than usually, and pretty much immediately had to start going off on my doctor about my lexapro. Chilled for a while after, did small things around the house, napped, and just got back from a not-quite-practice sesh with the bands drummer. We mostly just hooked my amps up to different speakers and played with different gain pedals to get good tone for recording.

I dunno, things have just felt…off all day. Sitting in the twilight with the corgi rn and the feeling still hasn’t gone away.

Oh well, I guess shrug-outta-hecks

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    It felt like the world around me was a movie, and at any second it could all just blink out of existence.

    Went through an entire semester like this in college, I don’t know how I managed to get through it. I ended up taking the next semester off though, which was nice. It seems to be linked to anxiety for me, when my mind is just constantly “on” and running with no rest, it’s like I guess I get laser focused on my inner thoughts and inner world, and the rest of the world becomes distant. I definitely used the movie comparison, and I would especially compare it to floating through a dream. I’d get really fearful whenever something out of the ordinary happened, like I remember once waking up from a nap and my family had all left the house, although I didn’t know they were leaving or where they went. Got really scared that I had been imagining everyone for years and that I was the only person who existed. Then I called them and they still existed, I forget where they actually were, but I was just extermely on edge for the better part of that year.