What the fuck level of cult of personality even is this? They’re writing fan fic about their fucking overlords. What the fuck I cannot emphasize enough what the fuck?
What the fuck level of cult of personality even is this? They’re writing fan fic about their fucking overlords. What the fuck I cannot emphasize enough what the fuck?
This shit is why liberals cannot and will not ever take fascism seriously
They cannot even comprehend the possibility that someone might be evil for ideological reasons, and is in fact enthusiastically evil. For them, people who are evil must be evil because something bad happened to them in their past and they just didn’t get a hug
If true fascism ever came, idiots like this would probably still try to act like it’s an episode of the West Wing and psychoanalyze the fascist death squads leading them to the wall. It’s infuriating how little they can take this shit seriously
I find liberals generally chalk up conservatism to ignorance. Liberals assume that conservatives are liberals in waiting who just need to be educated and given the right information.
A lot of us think most people are communists in waiting but as people who actually believe in something we have seen just how powerful a nihilistic cultural identity that opposes communism is and how giving people the right information does nothing because they have a lifetime trained immune response to these specific ideas. It’s infuriating that liberals think their tepid “information” and a pity hug would effortlessly bring conservatives to their values neutral Jesus
Libs say the same about us
We must be brainwashed/bots because how dare we not agree to everything in liberalism
right is composed of (violent) special snowflakes
liberals are composed of cattle
Armchair psychoanalysis allows them to feel morally and intellectually superior while not doing or even saying anything of real substance.