male presenting anglo canadian here, every interaction i have ever had is in some way tinged with white supremacy and male privilege. i’ve been treated better and assumed by default to be more competent than non-whites pretty much every day.

also like have you ever talked to another white person? if a white person or man talks to someone they assume shares their values they say the worst shit. i thought it was funny when libs were condemning trumps “locker room talk” defense like it’s so unbelievable to them that men would discuss sexual assault like that in a male space. “i’ve never heard anything like that in a locker room.” you are lying. most white men are thinking and saying the worst possible things at any given moment.

non-white people can tell by the way they are treated by white people and western society that white supremacy is the thread that binds the western world together. but if you look like them, they will just tell you straight up their terrible ideas assuming you will agree. if you cant figure it out when you actively benefit from it daily, if you cant notice that you’re being held to a different standard by other white people daily, if you cant figure it out when they LOOK FOR EXCUSES TO TELL YOU, than i dunno how much self-crit is gonna help. at that point it seems like an empathy problem

if you identify as an anarchist or a communist and also identify with your whiteness, you missed something, probably a lot of things, along the way. try to be more perceptive geez.

love to my comrades of every skin colour and gender identity, death to the first world and any framework including race used to justify it

  • i remember when i first moved into this one place. the ancient guy next door shambles over to introduce himself while i am pushing a mower, which is already a dick move. it’s hot, i don’t want to be out here any longer than i have to be. anyway, the guy is like 85 so i figure i should be nice or something. within 30 seconds, after telling me about how active he is at his church, he’s complaining about how many mexicans have moved into the neighborhood. total left field, my brain took a bit to process that wasn’t having heat stroke… that part of the curated package of this guy introducing himself included going into a diatribe about too many mexicans living nearby. anyway, he’s dead now. not by my hand. but i certainly visualized it.

    not an isolated incident of course. just the most glaringly and a recent one. i used to wonder if there was something about me that made these people feel safe coming at me with this heinous shit. but i now think this is just how it works and its maintained. also, i’d like to say that i responded to him by kicking his wobbly knees out from under him and pushing the mower over his head while maxing the throttle and laughing like daffy duck, but i’m not out here trying to catch a charge. instead i was just a huge prick to him and pretended to never hear him speaking, never see him waving, and not answering the door when he knocked, until he stopped trying to interact with me. took about 120 days. it was hard to override my habits of waving and having a smile or a kind word for the people around me. also, it blows living in a concealed carry state where there’s always the possibility that telling one of these people to cram it up their cram hole will get me clipped.