I am looking for online master degrees and came across TECH, with an incredibly granular offering and excellent reviews in sites like Trustpilot or Emagister. Their prices are also very competitive.

The more I tried to find information about them, the shadier things looked. The vast majority of the opinions about them are very favourable (suspiciously so), but some are straight up scam accusations. No middle ground.

Has anyone had first hand experience with them?

  • ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I have not had first hand experience, but I would recommend you find out if the degree program you’re interested in from them is accredited or not. The school I went to for undergrad has ABET accreditation for the Mechanical Engineering program (and the applicable accreditations for all other degrees). A lot of employers do require your program be accredited, and whether or not TECH has the applicable accreditations will tell you a) whether it would be a good move for you career-wise and b) whether you can expect the appropriate amount of rigor from the program (i.e. The program may be a degree-mill rather than an actual learning opportunity).