Barcelona-based Toormix has developed a new proposal for a symbol and flag system to “celebrate the diversity and unity of all sexual and gender identities within the LGBTIQA+ community, promoting an inclusive, diverse, and fluid vision of the movement for rights and equality”. It’s an ambitious and very thoughtfully considered (and very nicely presented) system — could this have universal adoption?

    2 months ago

    Hmm, it lacks distinctiveness - it kind of just looks like a color picker from a graphics app. That gradient might be easy to do with a computer but it would be hard to reproduce by hand (drawing/sewing/etc). It also just seems a bit lazy, in an everything-and-the-kitchen-sink kind of way.

    Edit: the licensing is also a problem. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 means that they want to be credited every time this symbol is used (attribution) and that they don’t allow distribution of modified versions (no derivatives).

    I seriously doubt the community will be interested in using a symbol that requires printing a license and attribution statement next to it every time. Also, prohibiting the distribution of derivatives really demonstrates an ignorance of how communities adopt and use symbols like this.