well, replace “boss” with “enemies that i haven’t killed easily for the hundreth time so i can level up” and “learn move patterns” with “become skilled at a game that i might not even be able to play at baseline because it’s designed around the skill cap of a fully abled player” and “explore” with “fully map out spaces designed for someone with the spatial navigation of a fully abled player”
Grinding is when I don’t jump from boss to boss, one shotting all of them. The more you force me to explore or learn move patterns, the grinder it is.
well, replace “boss” with “enemies that i haven’t killed easily for the hundreth time so i can level up” and “learn move patterns” with “become skilled at a game that i might not even be able to play at baseline because it’s designed around the skill cap of a fully abled player” and “explore” with “fully map out spaces designed for someone with the spatial navigation of a fully abled player”