Indistinguishable from the average city subreddit. “I would have supported your cause, but now you made me late for class 😡 so I support a genocidal state now”

  • Adkml [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Idr where it was bit saw one of these from a “student” complaining that the protests were bad because they’d shut down campus and he had a bunch of expirements that he’d spent months on that where ruined now because he couldn’t get to the science building.

    All the top comments were “did you try going outside, if you’re not an asshole the protestors just let you through, I was doing work in the lab right next to yours all day”

    But yea in general any small subreddits are gonna be mostly overrun with “concerned locals” who ideologically align about 98% with the klan concern trolling.