This is supplementary/separate from the Twitch Streams (see sidebar for links), intended for discussion here on lemmy.

The idea being, now that both twitch streams have read Chapter 4, we can have a discussion here and those from the twitch streams can have a retrospective or re-cap on the topic.

This will be a regular occurrence for each discrete set of topics coming out of The Book as the twitch streams cover them

Ownership and the borrow checker are obviously a fundamental and unique topic to rust, so it’s well worth getting a good grounding in AFAICT.

  1. Anyone up to trying to summarise or explain ownership/borrow-checker in rust?
    • it can be a good exercise to test your understanding and get feedback/clarification from others … as well as probably a good way to teach others
  2. Any persistent gripes, difficulties or confusions?
  3. Any of the quizzes from The Book stump you?
  4. Any hard learnt lessons? Or tried and true tips?
  • maegul (he/they)@lemmy.mlOPM
    10 months ago

    Yep. I’m with you on all of that!

    The pitching of The Book is definitely off (this my attempt to write a basic intro to the borrow checker, just to see where my own brain was at but also out of a somewhat fanciful interest in what a better version could look like).

    I wonder if the lack of C or assembly equivalents is because the internals aren’t stable??

    And yea, optimising data copies on the first go seems to be a trap (for me too!)

    Do you know if there are any good tools for analysing the hot spots of data copying?