I have had to wear a helmet for work. The one I wear is most like a sallet. If the other ones were so good we’d still be using them.
Shout out to the kettle hat though. Being able to hear and breath properly is gonna do more to keep me from getting got in the face than any extra weight will.
Nah. I think they use great helms. The fire department helmet is basically that same shape. When I worked on an ambulance you got one like that in case you needed to do rescue stuff.
I have had to wear a helmet for work. The one I wear is most like a sallet. If the other ones were so good we’d still be using them.
Shout out to the kettle hat though. Being able to hear and breath properly is gonna do more to keep me from getting got in the face than any extra weight will.
Rockstopper Time!
Where did you work, Medieval Times?
Nah. I think they use great helms. The fire department helmet is basically that same shape. When I worked on an ambulance you got one like that in case you needed to do rescue stuff.