My 2yo has one night with kind of a blue hour every other week, where he wakes up in the night and is just completely awake for 1-2,5 hours. Wanting to read books, maybe snack a bit.

They’re more common for him when there’s something up (milestones like learning a lot new words, when he learned to walk, teething, …)

Do any of you experience them? How do you handle this? We manage okay with keeping the light low, reading books that he can choose, but otherwise enforced staying in the bed.

    6 months ago

    It’s a long time since I had one that age but we clearly noticed when the kids had an upgrade and behaviour changed. I’d put it down to him enjoying his new capabilities and being to excited to sleep. Don’t think it’s a problem, just roll with it, it’s not as if it’s a toy you can take away!

    Have fun, it doesn’t get much easier, but it does get different.