I had a master plan of diminishing The PileTM of things to finish or repair, and it’s going farly well. Some of it was really quick and easy, some of it was surprisingly fun to do, some of it was a bit boring.
I have a plan of making a … kind of cardigan/vest/jacket thingy by next week end, and I had to pack all of my sewing away until tomorrow. I am not positive that it will work but it would be cool to wear the new thing on the week end getaway.
I have taken pictures of the fancy black trousers, but I forgot the back and I still need to find the energy to write a coherent text.\ Do not despair, it will happen ! Someday.

What are you working on ? Are you having any difficulties, surprises, wins ?

  • thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I managed to get rid of four big bin bags full of old clothes that were taking up most of my craft room floor, and now actually have space to do crafts in again. Does that count? 😄

    • just_chillOP
      1 year ago

      It sure does ! Now you can clutter the space with something new, and in the meantime, be really motivated to do new things ! At least that’s how I would do it.